Laughing Loon Retreat

"I'm told there is no going back. So I'm going forward" ~ David Levithan

dock in maine

We will gather. Women who have connected virtually, who long to be together in real life.

To love, to grow, to embrace. To circle, to hold, to listen, to release.

We will live inside of the questions and trust that when we sit by her water, the answers will no longer be sought, but simply gifted.

Our cozy home away from home will be in Jefferson, Maine right on the shores of gorgeous Damariscotta Lake. Maine in the early fall is warm during the day, and crisp and cool at night. And the leaves will be changing....the colors are amazing.


Our time together:  Thursday September 24 through Sunday September 27th.

We will begin on Thursday afternoon to settle into rooms and welcome you.

We will gather Thursday night for a celebration dinner and circle and Sunday will be the morning when everyone packs up to go. Leisurely. Inside of all the changes and what is to come.

Friday and Saturday will be filled with workshops and creating and eating gorgeous food and loving each other up. There will be space built in to use the boats, swim (if it is warm), visit town and have some time to just be.

Meet the team of women who will be supporting us during our time together on the lake.


A deposit of $415 is required to hold your spot. We do expect the retreat to sell fast as this is the first open retreat I have held outside of a circle.

The retreat deposit is non-refundable unless you or I are able to secure the spot with another participant.

Much preparation happens ahead of time, so please, only sign up if you are 100% in!

This year we will be offering three different kinds of pricing options.

Your retreat fee includes all meals, lodging and some surprises sprinkled in.

Lodging Options are: (When you add to cart you will be reserving that space with a non-refundable deposit of $415)

Private rooms are for those of you who really need to close a door and have your own bed space. There will be shared bathroom spaces.

Shared rooms are in the larger cabins. This is the perfect option if you already know you want a roomate! You will be sharing a room with someone with lots of space to feel settled. You will have bathroom, wood stove, fridge, stove, etc. Think cabins in the woods with a porch to sit and sip your coffee in the morning and have wine at night.

Sleepover style is sort of my jam, how we sleep at The Loft, tribal. Random beds of different sizes, cabins that have bathrooms, beds, wood stove, fridge, stove, etc. Think college dorm fun. Fire pits outside your cabins and the lake is at your feet. The more rustic of the cabins but pretty special.

The shared and sleepover style are cabins by the lake. Most private rooms are in the main lodge also by the lake.

Private rooms - Four spots available  (Sold out!)


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Shared rooms -  Nine spots available    (sold out!)


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Sleepover style rooms - Sixteen spots available  (1 spot left!)


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If you try to add one of the options above to your cart and cannot, that means that option has sold out.

The balance for your retreat stay will be due no later than August 10, 2015.

rhqpxiwnieot1ad5zlmyne-large There are a few airports that are close to Jefferson, Maine.

Portland International Jetport is an hour and a half away from the retreat spot.

Logan International Airport is about three hours away from the retreat spot.

There will be options for carpooling/ride sharing as we get closer to the retreat date. We will set up a closed FB group for all of you to get to know each other virtually before we gather. This way you can connect and make plans.

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Leg warmers, Hannah yams and dance parties will be provided. If you have any questions at all, please email myself and my assistant Kristen at Please do NOT send Facebook message questions, just email.

"How is it possible that four days in Maine - four measly days - could bring forth so much? Like your cells were realigned, like your true, slightly forgotten, self was unveiled, like a craving you didn't even know you had was satiated.

The retreat was a coming home, a grounding, bliss.

The torrents of laughter, the tender moments fueled by music and moonlight and the call of the loon, the early mornings on the dock, the words whispered deep in the night that linger with me still.

I now belong. To a pack of fierce, real, luminous women. I could not be more grateful for the experience and the gifts it brought." ~ Kelly

(Thank you to Kelly for use of some of her gorgeous photos above.)

"Hannah holds such incredibly sacred space both online and in person. The retreat was: re-charge, soul-sister connections, delicious food, inspiring fire-side talks, dance party, and belly laughs with happy tears. So fucking good. So good." ~ Marisa

"Before I went on the retreat I was in a sad place in my life. I was able to open up to those women at that place like I had never before.  So much healing took place during my time there, and I was able to release a lot of bitter negative energy. It was amazing to be in a group of like minded women that really GOT me. I rediscovered a part of myself I thought was long gone. Also I got a bad ass tattoo, and found my true voice which I have been using ever since. It was a wonderful, magical experience that I would do over again in a heartbeat. That retreat will be forever in my heart and soul." ~ Jannine

"The retreat was magic that touched my heart and soul in a powerful way. I felt so gently and lovingly held at the Lake with freedom to be where I needed and desired to be throughout our time there. The sense of love and community that Hannah builds in her online programs truly comes to life when we gather in person, and creates friendships and connections that run deep. My time at the Lake brought me into a deeper sense of trust of myself, permission to feel the feelings that come up, and the opportunity to be unapologetically me. I am forever grateful for the time spent on retreat with an incredibly magical group of women guided by Hannah. Each one of us brought something special that made this time so magical. Hannah's attention to detail made the space feel immediately welcoming and comfortable - from the location, to the decorations in our rooms and the main house, to the incredible food that was made and shared with love. Each moment there felt like a gift, and I carry all of those moments in my heart and will continue to do so." ~ Xandra

The urge and the practice.

collaagepink I remember a time when blogging was my source of breath. Things didn't feel real until I put them onto a post and hit publish.

Even when I have to be cryptic, writing is my way of feeling into something.

When I started doing more writing for programs all my word juice flowed into my circles and courses. The priority became program prompts and weekly newsletters. My newsletter each Thursday morning is my heart on the page. It is current, always written the day or two before it sends out. It is my love note to myself that I hold as prayer that it reaches you in your heart space. We tend to vibrate in such similar places with moon cycles and awakenings and rawness.

Instagram has become my mini blog. I love Instagram, the way it has connected me and gifted me with friendships moved into real life. By far it is my favorite social media medium.

What would have been blog posts become tiny posts on Instagram. Something has changed in the blogging world. I used to get these hits of a blog and I couldn't not write them. I felt so connected to community in my blog space. The urge to write was my practice. The hit would come, I would grab the computer and bang it out.

I was an avid reader of blogs. Not so much anymore. There is so much out there. I find myself on overload. My morning used to start with some coffee and my favorite bloggers. These days it is a quick stroll through my Insta feed. Visual. Connected. Caffeinated.

I want to love my blog again. To breathe new life into it. I want a new way of connecting through that space.

What I know is that it has to change. To be new. Exciting or simple or raw or something...

It also has to become once again the thing I can't not do or else it no longer feels right in my spirit.

This is one of the practices I am exploring through this 2014 round of Community Grace. I am asking myself the questions around what, why and when and going back to the basics of why people started blogging so many years ago. I am trying to look beyond our now and see where the blog's becomings are. I am looking at the bloggers who still draw me forth and in and why.

I am wondering and dreaming about practices and challenges and giving things away with my new eyes. Eyes that I will share with you and ask you about inside of our crazy creative and loving Community Grace group.

If you feel called to join us we start on Monday. I am going back and reworking our prompts to bring us to 2014 and all that is new and has changed and also admiring the timelessness of so many of the prompts around building community. Just like a potluck, they never ever become dated, only made more beautiful.

I have never followed a business plan or believed in the 'do it this way because everyone else is' model. I tend to run from all of that. To know it can have ease and inspiration and a unique edge that each of us carries inside of us. I also believe in using the tools and trends to our advantage, in studying what is working and what is saturated.

For years when I started my business I listened to a lot of feedback that I didn't welcome. Typically it was around my charging to low or not having a fancier website. I would allow people to have their say, answering unasked questions (I am not one to ever ask for feedback) and then I would keep pricing intuitively and I let my website continue to be a cozy home that felt like a cup of tea and a head rub.

I focused on community building. It's what I do, what comes naturally to me. It is my every day desire. Connect. Build community. Be grace. Listen.

Since I was a young child I have been circling, holding space for connection.

This community building is something we must do if we are to create sustainable businesses for ourselves. Connecting is vital if we want someone on the other side of our blog, because we aren't writing it just for us, that is a journal tucked in your underwear drawer.

It isn't about money. In the beginning. As we build the community and have offerings that we now have people to serve and offer to, it slowly and with ease, flows into monetary abundance.

If you are willing to step in your own community grace.



Community Grace. Hold out your hand.


A 30 day course in community, connection and gathering

September 29th


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The first idea came as I was walking the dog thinking about my weekly newsletter, Making Space, and my heart was overflowing with the gratitude for the responses I get from this gorgeous community each time I send one out. I thought, this is community grace. It feels like a long table under the stars, set with water glasses and wine goblets, bowls flowing with salads and soups and community gathering around in truth and harmony. Being together, sharing a common goal (that beautiful meal and conversation).

To me community grace is each of our hands showing the deep truth of who we are and what we desire. Our hands painting or cooking or writing or praying or holding or sewing or touching or planting or smoothing the table cloth on the long wooden table as we prepare for our meal.

They always have a story, each program I create. If my memory was better I would remember what the idea for this program first was. It wasn't as it looks now. It grew and expanded, it shape shifted into Community Grace.

The idea settled in and started to talk to me, as they all do. They almost create themselves as I witness what they want to become. My community without knowing it helps each program become what it needs to be.

Gathering your community, your audience, is finding those that deeply resonate with and need the words you are sharing with them. A community can start with just one other person or 100 people. Each person in your community is unique and helps you stand in your light.

I want to guide you towards creating your own community grace. I want you to see that creating community can be as simple as holding out your hands in trust and truth and asking others to walk with you.


For 30 days we will play::

  • A prompt every other day for 30 days, a day to explore it and a day to talk about it within our private community.
  • New ways to think about using your words, images, social media and other resources to build connection and audience.
  • Intuitive strategies to start to create the community you want to guide and be a part of.
  • Gentle pushes to move through the fear of your voice.
  • A chance to 'play' with your words, images and connections through prompts that open you up a bit.
  • Connecting the word joyful to your writing.
  • Find a new way to view virtual connecting. (I adore it!)
  • How to see newsletters, social media, blogging and marketing as amazingly beautiful tools, like love notes.
  • Expand your safe boundaries, push your edges, explore how to assemble your community.
  • Closed Facebook community group where we will hold our discussions and connect with one another

Who is this for::

  • Women who are using their words to gather community and build tribe.
  • Women who are blogging inside of businesses.
  • Women who are writing and want to find a way to expand their connections and create a little community grace in their lives.
  • Women who crave deeper connection and tribe within their work, online or off.
  • Women who are ready to stop viewing social media and marketing as bad.
  • Women who believe that creativity and intuition are vital parts of business and gathering.
  • Women who desire tribe around their blog or business.
  • Women who are open to exploring connection, bravery and vulnerability inside their work.


 Words from women in my community::

"In the clamor and noise of marketing mayhem, Hannah Marcotti writes in a gentle yet fierce voice.  In Community Grace, I turned my thinking around.  Instead of trying to "promote to my target audience,"  I learned that I needed to attract the people I want to hang out with and who want to hang out with me.  This was huge medicine for me as an online entrepreneur.

Hannah taught us how to find and envision the grace that is within, to honor it and express it.  Even better, we came together as a community that was loving and supportive." ~ Loran Hills

"This program came into my life at the exact moment I needed it. I was craving direction in my new business and blog, and Hannah gave us such a gift with helping us discover our voices. I found my way to connect to my tribe through my writing, and at the same time, dive deeper into my true self and embracing my vulnerability. I made life long friends with the other women who joined. This program expanded my business and my world. I am so grateful for my experience." ~Jessica DeFeo


"The catalysts for my biggest a-ha moments during the program were pieces of your story and the stories of our Joy sisters - the reflection of self and possibility, connecting us all as one."

"I’m a writer who believes ARDENTLY in the power of community. I thrive when I’m connected to other writers who can just hold space for my work and share what it’s like to be living the writers life. The community you’ve created, Hannah, is so unique and so special. I think we’re all called to connect with others when we need it most– and I really believe the communities we find are the exact ones we need at that point in our lives."

"I am missing Hannah's daily emails, it had become part of my morning ritual. I would read them on my cell phone before getting out of bed every morning."

"Thank you all so much for your unconditional love, support, laughs and tears. Love being a part of this amazing group."

"I did not have any expectations going in and I learned this: to allow my creative side to gets its groove back, slow my roll and enJOY more of the *now* and gobble up all the inspiring stories of your daily letters and the fantastically beautiful, strong women in this group."

When will we start to play::

  • September 29th
  • A prompt one day, a group discussion around it the next. For 30 days. 15 prompts, 15 days to explore and discuss each prompt.
  • This is play, fun, expanding your vision for the power of your blog or business.

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Questions you might have::

Is this a writing course? No, I won't be critiquing your writing but I will be giving you prompts to explore using your words to gather the strength of community and connection around your writing. I know awesome writing coaches if you need a reference.

Will the prompts help me with blogging? I hope so! We will play and you will explore your words in different ways. My hope is that you'd get some great posts written inspired by writing for connecting and community building.

In 30 days will I have increased my community? If you connect with just one person in these 30 days the answer to this will be yes! And I will be asking you to connect.

Will you be telling stories of how you built your community and made such awesome connections? Why of course, thanks for asking, I love to tell stories! I will be sharing through stories written and some videos during the 30 days.

Is this about making more money with my blog? Nope, not during these 30 days. Eventually, yes. Our focus is not on money but on building connection and community around your blog or business. The money making bit is that next layer on top of the community. But if you don't have a community to sell to, you aren't making any money.

Do I need to be active on the Facebook group? Yes. This is where we will explore and discuss together. Not everyone will be as prolific as others on the group but to fully get the experience of the course (which is all about connection and community) you need to show up. If Facebook has never been your thing, let me convince you that this group is magical, but you have to show up and give me the chance to sway you!

What if I'm not playful in the online world? Then go ahead and sign up, I'll help you with that! We will play and I hope that at the end of these days you will view social media and marketing with new eyes.

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A 30 day course in community, connection and gathering

September 29th


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How we breathe in circles.

“I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart. I am, I am, I am.”  ~ Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar

i am badass luxury

I am warm spiced surprise.

I am the opulent lip.

I am passion rising.

I am sweet morning.

I am built with artistry, feeling, wonder and soul.

I am possible. I am champagne bubbles.

I am finding inspiration everywhere.

I am the sacred spirit.

I am song of devotion.

I am rewriting what's expected.

I am the strong sensitive type.

I am fire and crystal untold.

I am love and lust.

I am the high and low.

I am displaying layers of meaning.

I am evolving one wild and precious life.

I am luminous in the dark.

I am hungry for change.

I am open for fun.

I am tender.

I am integrating new ways.

I am Phoenix Rising...with a touch of self adhesive.

I am the evolution of connection.

I am found.

I am unbroken.

I am kaleidoscope alchemy.

I am soulflower.

I am a new degree of possibility.

I am ready to make it happen.

I am a cake for every occasion.

I am radiant nude.

I am the hungry traveler.

I am finding creative freedom.

I am a traveler of delicious comforts.

I am a part of it all.

I am absorbing delicious self discovery.

I am destined to be dazzled.

I am a magical place.

I am room for a miracle.

I am the co-existence of light and shadow.

I am beginning.

I am tender warrior.

I am intense and light at the same time.

I am glitter and glass.

I am a player of light.

I am first, gooey, sensitive.

I am a soul of light, all aglow.

I am the only centerpiece.

I am today.

I am (fill in yours here).

(Compiled from the circle of women in Spirits of Joy, A vision book course running through January. Can you feel the breath, the pulse, the safety and the penetration into a deeper spirit? This is how we breathe in circles.)

Often the best way we can see ourselves is through the reflection not in a mirror but in the eyes of compassion, empathy and fierce magic. Someone who has walked in our story. And then we become that for another. And the breath we exhale becomes their inhale and we need not push or judge because we find ourselves in safety.

And the 'I am' that surprises us from found words. Another's words becoming where we are traveling to next or holding us in a pause that is about to transform into tomorrow.

In a circle is where breath can expand and flow from one to another and words are held by the hands and hearts of community of choice. It is where space can be held to listen. Space where you are heard and no one is trying to solve you, just see you.

Soulwork is how we commune. Story is how we gather. Prompting is where we grow. Listening is how we feed. Prayer is how we ask and accept. Surrender is what leads us to change. Showing up in our now is how we embody all we desire.

i am warmspiced 

“There is a community of the spirit.

Join it, and feel the delight

of walking in the noisy street

and being the noise.

Drink all your passion,

and be a disgrace.

Close both eyes

to see with the other eye” ~ Rumi


Questions keep floating in about Magic Making Circle ::

The number I hold inside of a circle always carries an energy for me. 100 is my sweet spot. When the group is given boundaries and accountability and freedom and modeling it thrives.

Magic Making Circle will be capped at 100. There seems to be a lot of fear around this number. We may or may not get to 100 but that is the number I am visioning as the maximum of sweet spot energy and community. I love 100. It also will be the only group you'll be able to work with me inside of for 6 months, so my desire is that for those who love prompts and soulwork and the circling with women, that they choose to take this journey with us. My goal was to keep the investment affordable and open the access to a powerful circle to those who believe in the work and the practice. Masterminds with 20 or less tend to average in the thousands and I want to create a model that works for me and my life, and what I know is your life. So I am creating circles, rather than masterminds. I am finding ways to keep the mastermind option open but not vital to the circle.

A circle holds power because it is a community of choosing. This cannot be underestimated.

Can 100 people be intimate? Well, I decided to ask my circle of 409 women, who have all been part of one or multiple programs I have run over the last few years, to talk about this. Here is what some had to say.

"The unique power of Hannah's circles, even the very large Alumni group, feels as though I'm sitting in a cozy living room with my most precious, loving friends, with their arms around me." ~ Lisa

"You are a beautiful soul, through and through authentic and you have the gift of bringing women together to make magic in their lives and hearts . It is felt so viscerally no matter the size of the group." ~ AnaLisa

"There is something so important and so soul-filling about having a strong circle of love, support, and stretch." ~ Xandra

"There is something very different about how Hannah's groups form. There is an unspoken congruence that is felt within this safe space. Hannah is not in your face every single moment, seeking attention, in fact she has the balance right, she passes it over to us. She's there to guide, facilitate, prompt, nudge and cajole us. Everyone is incredibly supportive in ways that are hard to describe. These are a band of women who want to create good in their worlds to turn around their thoughts and perspectives, and ultimately be surrounded by love and joy rather than be faced with negativity and hate. What I have experienced here is that when you begin to flourish, the group holds you and prods you to move even further into your light, stretching yourself without breaking. All of this refers to a group of approximately 400! With Hannah at the Helm, it will be magic." ~ Julia

"We are all walking a different path and whenever i have reached out to this group i have received an abundance of unique responses. it's like drawing on the deepest, most beautiful and loving wellspring of knowledge and experiences! when i circle with these women i can be my true self. there is no criticism, judgement or negativity. i have only ever received love, understanding & constructive feedback. i can go deeper with my vulnerability within the open arms of this group and grow even more from witnessing the journey of others." ~ Jenny

"Wherever you are in the world, whatever time of day , if you need to talk, someone somewhere will answer. We are global." ~ Mary

I hope these voices help you to glimpse what this circle will feel like.

Other questions ::

Can you explain the monthly calls?

Yes!!! We will do the 6 monhtly calls via a Spreecast. Spreecast is a video feed that allows me to either talk and receive questions via a live written feed or I can bring someone on with me in person. Most of the Spreecasts will be with me addressing the written feed, but there may be times I arrange to have someone come on as a guest if appropriate. These will be recorded.

Often a question from one is a question from many. That is what these Spreecasts will hope to achieve, a way to in live time address where you are, what is coming up, what questions you have. You will be able to chat with eac hother over on the side in live time. If you miss the feed live you can watch and then come to the group page later and we'll still be talking about all of it.

How much time will we need to commit to the circle?

What you put in is what will be returned. For some that will be a large investment, for others it will be smaller. We all land and show up in different places. There is no wrong or right, there is what you need, what you desire. I cannot create this investment for you, you must decide this.

Some of you may be inside a 'cave' right now in your lives or a highly sensitive bubble of protection, as I was for years. You may be inside of raising multiple children while wanting to foster a passion or desire or skill. Some will be inside of already thriving businesses and looking to have a place they can go to for support and perhaps a new direction. There are some who may be quietly reading and processing inside of the group while others are out there, asking, probing, sharing. We all are able to gain such insight and movement from those who have more time or are more open to posting in the group.

I will ask of you that if you feel shy or quiet that you push your boundaries just a bit and spend some time learning to connect in this way that will draw you to the story of others and they to you. I will ask of you to learn to hold space for each other without trying to fix or compare, but to listen and create safety. I will ask that you show up. I will ask that you learn to land outside of comfort zones into desires.

For those who are ready to commit even further to their work or passions there will be gathering weekends at the Loft in Rhode Island for seriously fun and productive masterminds. You'll get all of me for a weekend to explore, question, hold space and prompt you forward. This is a beautiful opportunity to gather a friend or colleague or two and create a fantastic weekend together. (These will be announced in February.)

Having a circle like this to hold you, the talkative or the shy, the open or the cautious, is a gift. One that we will adventure inside of for half of a year. I am beyond grateful to have this time together.

This circle will become a network of women lifting you up, seeing you, listening to you, pulsing along with your unique vibration. You will discover how we breathe in circles.

And it will be beautiful.








Community Grace - Connection, shining, opening

Community Grace

Community Grace:: 30 Days of Play to Build Connection Around Your Blog or Online Business
When:: May 1st-30th
Registration:: $49 to join us

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One day I was walking the dog thinking about my weekly letter, Making Space (love letters from me to you), and my heart was overflowing with the gratitude for the responses I get from this gorgeous community each time I send one out. I thought, this is community grace. It feels like a long table under the stars, set with water glasses and wine goblets, bowls flowing with salads and soups and community gathering around in truth and harmony. Being together, sharing a common goal (that beautiful meal and conversation).

Gathering your community is finding those that deeply resonate with and need the words you are sharing with them. A community can start with just one other person or 100 people. Each person in your community is unique and helps you stand in your light.

I want to guide you towards creating your own community grace.

For 30 days we will play::

  • A prompt every other day for 30 days, a day to explore it and a day to talk about it within our private community.
  • New ways to think about using your words to build connection and build your audience.
  • Authentic strategies to start to create the community you want to guide and be a part of.
  • Gentle pushes to move through the fear of your voice.
  • A chance to 'play' with your words and connections through prompts that open you up a bit.
  • Connecting the word joyful with your writing.
  • Find a new way to view virtual connecting.
  • Expand your safe boundaries, they will still be safe!

Who is this for::

  • Women who are using their words to gather community and build tribe.
  • Women who are blogging inside of businesses.
  • Women who are writing and want to find a way to expand their connections and create a little community grace in their lives.

cups on table with quote

Words from women in my community::

"In the clamor and noise of marketing mayhem, Hannah Marcotti writes in a gentle yet fierce voice.  In Community Grace, I turned my thinking around.  Instead of trying to "promote to my target audience,"  I learned that I needed to attract the people I want to hang out with and who want to hang out with me.  This was huge medicine for me as an online entrepreneur.

Hannah taught us how to find and envision the grace that is within, to honor it and express it.  Even better, we came together as a community that was loving and supportive." ~ Loran Hills

"This program came into my life at the exact moment I needed it. I was craving direction in my new business and blog, and Hannah gave us such a gift with helping us discover our voices. I found my way to connect to my tribe through my writing, and at the same time, dive deeper into my true self and embracing my vulnerability. I made life long friends with the other women who joined. This program expanded my business and my world. I am so grateful for my experience." ~Jessica DeFeo

"The catalysts for my biggest a-ha moments during the program were pieces of your story and the stories of our Joy sisters - the reflection of self and possibility, connecting us all as one."

"I’m a writer who believes ARDENTLY in the power of community. I thrive when I’m connected to other writers who can just hold space for my work and share what it’s like to be living the writers life. The community you’ve created, Hannah, is so unique and so special. I think we’re all called to connect with others when we need it most– and I really believe the communities we find are the exact ones we need at that point in our lives."

"I am missing Hannah's daily emails, it had become part of my morning ritual. I would read them on my cell phone before getting out of bed every morning."

"Thank you all so much for your unconditional love, support, laughs and tears. Love being a part of this amazing group."

"I did not have any expectations going in and I learned this: to allow my creative side to gets its groove back, slow my roll and enJOY more of the *now* and gobble up all the inspiring stories of your daily letters and the fantastically beautiful, strong women in this group."

When will we start to play::

  • May 1-30
  • A prompt one day, a group discussion around it the next.
  • Yes, this is play, fun, expanding your vision for the power of your words.

Register Here::


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Questions you might have::

Is this a writing course? No, I won't be critiquing your writing but I will be giving you prompts to explore using your words to gather the strength of community and connection around your writing. I know awesome writing coaches if you need a reference.

Will the prompts help me with blogging? I hope so! We will play and you will explore your words in different ways. My hope is that you'd get some great posts written during May inspired by writing with your community in mind.

In 30 days will I have increased my community? If you connect with just one person in these 30 days the answer to this will be yes!

Will you be telling stories of how you built your community and made such awesome connections? Why of course, thanks for asking, I love to tell stories!

Is this about making more money with my blog? Nope, not during these 30 days. Eventually, yes.

What if I'm not playful in the online world? Then go ahead and sign up, I'll help you with that!

Exhaling the truth.

You may not believe me when I say my mornings are really tough until you realize that I wake up just like you. I have three kids under 10 and if you have children you may understand waking up to more expectations of you then you feel capable of meeting. Yes, there are giggles and there is joy but it is hard work. Often exhausting.

And I wonder where I fit into that puzzle. I wonder where my marriage fits into all of it. Maybe you wonder too.

Recently Patrick spent the week at home with me and I realized how deeply, deeply I miss him. Our lives are so separate from what were once lives in constant rhythm.

And I wonder how to heal that now, not in 5 years when the kids are older. Maybe you wonder too.

You may think that the me you see here, in these spaces is me until you realize I am just like you, everyone of us who have online personalities are more than what we ever show here. This is our persona, no matter how hard we try to bring you the truth, it will always be limited.

And I wonder how to align the different parts of myself, so that there is less of a gap between the me that shows up here and the me that lives in real time. Maybe you wonder too.

You may think I have patience and never eat just a small bag of potato chips I grabbed at the gas station for lunch until you realize that we all have so many unseen unspoken moments. We are going at a pace towards the change we long for and sometimes baked lays just taste so freaking good when we are too tired to make a salad.

And I wonder what it would be like if we could share more of those moments and start to bridge the gaps of perception and reality. Maybe you wonder too.

You may think you see me. I may think I see you.

And we do. We see pieces of each other. Part of the work we are doing is learning how to fit these pieces together, make them flow together even when they don't fit. Even when they make us angry or wanting to be something entirely transformed.

What I love about this life is that at any moment I can change. I can make a choice to feel differently. I can drop the anger. I can find new words. I can cut my hair or grow it longer than its ever been. I can wear feathers, get a tattoo, sell everything I own and move across the country. Somehow. There is always the somehow. There is always a way to change, to choose, to grow, to evolve.

And I wonder if you feel the gap closing in your own world and if you can see me more clearly each time we exhale the truth.

The way I see community.

Four years ago I was a stay at home mama, pregnant with my third baby, wondering what more there was for me. I felt lost. I knew that I had something special to give this world. I had tried so many careers and I couldn't make anything stick. What I felt deep down was that I wanted something that was mine, that I could control, design, create, develop.

I wanted to tap into my gifts, my light.

Four years later I have a business that is flowing in abundance, beauty and grace. I also have a new budding business with a most amazing woman and a circle of women who believe in each other. I haven't been 'lucky' (though I'll take any luck that wants to flow my way). I've been working hard, doing the beautiful work; creating connection, building community and trying to show up with a combination of truth and grace.

Somewhere along the line I fell in love with the joy of building community around my work. Partly it came intuitively for me and the rest I had to learn. I combined reading, studying and a whole lot of playing around to see what worked and what didn't work.

Our community is not me talking/writing and you just listening. It is also me listening and hearing you back. It is the flow of our energy and the sharing of our gifts together. I set the table and you bring the wine. Community is shared purpose, goals and explorations. The communities I am part of are warm and cozy, sunshine through the windows warming us when we need it most, lifting and truth telling. Lots of truth telling.

Community Grace is a way to play with community building and creating connections to bring energy behind your words and offerings. Gathering those around you that you want to talk and share with and those that you learn from and could listen to for hours as they share their stories or guidance with you.

What I know is that our words are powerful, our story is where we connect. We make choices in how to use our words to connect, to grow, to show up. There is no formula and once you realize that you can fully step into your light and start to use your words to gather energy around you and your work.

Your community is forming, they are a vibrant gorgeous community, ready to spread out the picnic blanket, uncork the wine, serve the food while the music is played and come together inside of your own special magic.

What will you bring? How will you share? What passion do you bring to this community table? How do you show up as you, in your truth and flowing with your passions?

Gathering is ceremony, celebration. Knowing your own special gift, voice and compassion and setting them free sets you free.

We all have a story to be told. We have a community to gather with. We have joy unfolding before us, compassion spilling.

And so we continue. We build. We play.


Learn more about Community Grace, my group program for November.

Beautiful Faces. Magical Places.

I am eager for the lists that make their way out on sleepy Friday mornings. Today I am a waiting quietly for my first baby to reach double digits and hoping that the day feels like the vision in her head, super excited to give hugs to some virtual friends in the real live world tomorrow and entering the two weeks of my monthly rhythm that feel like walking on air and gratitude kisses kind of mama.

These are my pay-it-forward lists.

Connection is the most important thing to me in my business. I love that Kate is opening up this conversation. She does so beautifully.

These moments can make you feel so alone until someone full of bravery talks about them. We are so not alone here mamas.

These are two of most favorite women, together on one page, smiles, hungers, gorgeous.

Jenn lines it all up for us here, and so honored she included me! xo

Have it. Adore it. Goes so beautifully with my tattoo love.

I am smitten with this prompt. Will be sitting with it, for now I'll just take the beauty of words from Liz.

Sometimes I wish I had found her all those years ago. But no matter, love that I have her now.

The nude.

Yes to turning waste into beauty.

Still obsessing.


Don't forget the Making Space Cleanse has a BOGO for the month of September!!!

And on September 20th I will be offering a FREE 30 day surprise so make sure to sign up for the weekly love letter (that cute little sign up box on the right) or pop on FB to see what it is!!!


Behind the Scenes of Not Knowing

Munching cookies and strawberries the other night with this beauty I found myself talking about the importance of not knowing. Not knowing that kale is not just a garnish on the side of a plate, you can eat it. Not knowing how to re-size a picture or publish a post.

Not knowing how to use your voice, stuck.

Not knowing how to take your dreams and turn them into a business. That jittery, exciting time full of fear and magical potential.

And remembering all the things that once we didn't know.

The women of The Joy Up Tribe Alumni Group are making my heart soar right now. They are offering to sponsor other women in the tribe who don't have $45 to join the program. I'll tell you more about this as I tell you about not knowing and then knowing, really knowing.

A year ago the joy up was born. It was an idea that over a few months went from simply a name into a program that would bring over 200 women together. While it wasn't for everyone, it was available to any woman. I was positioning my business to go from Health Coaching into Holistic Life and Business Coaching and I wanted to grow my tribe.

Big dreams are great, but if you don't take the actions to support them, you still only have dreams.

I found it really hard to tag a price on a program about joy. The fears too, maybe no one will resonate with it, maybe this is a silly idea.

In my heart, I knew that not knowing was where I needed to be. Just like learning to move kale from garnish to salad, a world was opening up to me. A large community of women, taking my programs from 30 or so into the hundreds. I was ready to do the work.

The Joy Up started as 10 days, pay-what-you-can. A core group of women formed around the soulwork and my life hit crazy. I had no idea what holding the energy of that many women would be like. I was not prepared for emails telling me that their lives had changed because of 10 days. I knew I could explain joy and why we must choose it, even in the face of sadness or lack, but I had no idea.

I couldn't eat. I cried a lot. (I did this in quiet mostly because while you can share this a year later once you've learned to hold that kind of energy, you can't talk about it while you are in it.)

We think that those little tastes of growth and success will taste sweet, but usually they are more like unsweetened dark chocolate. You know somewhere inside of it all you like the taste, but don't know how to get to it. My husband and I had the 'opportunity' in all of the emotion to work on our stuff.

Each time The Joy Up program ran after that, I followed my intuition. I kept it pay-what-feels-good, built my tribe even more and the emails from the tribe became more intense. From making decisions to leave abusive marriages to pursuing a new career. All on the basis of 'Joy is a Choice.'

Letters would come in the mail with feathers falling out of them, I have now had about 6 or 7 of these. These women who knew how much I loved feathers were forming a community based on joy and love and support.

During one of the program runs I received $100 from a woman in the tribe. I sent her an email that told her she took my breath away, and asked if she meant to send that? She replied, "Now you know how I feel each morning with your Joy Up emails."

A sweet online friend sent $200 as her contribution to the program and my work. Knowing.

The year of building this community was beyond amazing. The first Joy Up was shared over 600 times on social media. It was humbling and intense.

The Joy Up continues after the (now) 30 days. A private community on FB allows women to stay connected and I pop in and out as I need to. A true community inside of a somewhat crazy online world.

After a year I wasn't sure what to do with this program. Do I turn it into an ebook, offer something new and different, keep going? Could I keep creating new material or do I re-purpose? I let my intuition play around and talking with husband he said, "I just don't think it is over yet."

While I agreed I knew that I would need to allow it to evolve.

I needed to finally price it, close the tribe a bit in numbers while increasing its value, and still allow women who wanted access a way to do so regardless of their financial situation. There have been times in my life when $45 meant feeding my family or buying gas. I also really wanted women to value this work they were doing and invest in themselves. The Joy Up is about changing your life, sparkling with the butterflies and stepping into abundance.

We have watched women who started the program go from broke to abundant. Who are now sponsoring other women to join.

The program this time is priced with an option to join with a soul-sister. Many women are inviting their best friends or sisters to journey with them.

I wrote a little note on the tribe's alumni page. There are scholarships available if you are not able to afford the program but wish to continue on the journey with us.

From then on women in the tribe have been asking me about sponsoring a soul-sister on the journey. The outpouring has been incredible. We have had about 10 women sponsored and more sponsors waiting to help.

There is all sorts of magic inside the not knowing if we trust enough to allow ourselves to know.


We start August 1st. Join us.



Beautiful Faces. Magical Places.

I am eager for the lists that make their way out on sleepy Friday mornings. Today I am a rethinking some choices, feeling oh-so much, packing for a camping trip with my mom squad families -without Patrick (yikes), post panic attack chilling, bacon for breakfast and grateful for summer camp for two out of the three of the kiddos kind of mama.

These are my pay-it-forward lists.

This is the World Domination Summit version. My final post on an amazing weekend in Portland. I share so much of this with you because I am consumed with thinking about how we must create our own communities. We did that with Mamacoach Circle and I strive to do that here on Mama Space. But I want more. I have big dreams for inviting what I want to be surrounded by into my life. I want you to dream this way. Create what you long for. Thank you for being here and part of this community. My heart is so happy you are here.

I take terrible notes, luckily some people take beautiful ones. By the way Kate is actually more gorgeous in real life than online. Just so you know.

Look at those beautiful faces. In magical places. Right?

Being with people who make us feel loved, whole and beautiful is kind of exactly what I'm going for in this life of mine.

The post is awesome, but the way her site is looking is giving me so much inspiration for how we keep evolving. Liz, it is gorgeous.

This moment. Yes.

The most amazing thing is that we all have our own experience and I want to honor that it is different for each of us.

The hardest part of this conference for me was saying the name to other people who don't know what it is about. What she said.

Um, hell yes.

My dinner partner for many nights, she is filled with inspiration for all of us.

A highlight of my trip, finally got my Chris hug. So much of where I am I owe to this man.

And from the man where all of this came from, in his own words.

There were so many posts from the weekend, please share a link if you have one for all of us! xo

Right Now Your Future

I have this well earned ability to compare myself to others down to the way they organize their Pinterest boards. Clever titles and things all neatly grouped. Mine are just a big jumble of beauty and inspiration. I finally pulled out all of my tattoo pins and made a board just for them. That felt like an achievement. No type A in this body, completely none. I'm like Z or Q or X.

I run with this mixture of wanting to be a stand out for my uniqueness and expressions and longing to blend into the pack just a bit more. I can lose site of my special in the world. Deep core needs created as a child blur the scene.

The magic is the deep core belief I also held as a child that I was going to serve and heal and make sure others knew how special they were.

Slightly frightening integrating all of this when creating a heart centered business, marketing inside of this New Economy we are reading about. Stand out, blend in, market with a formula, buck the system.

The very first program I created led to 1 and 1/2 (discount offered) people paying me. I asked a few others to join for free. I had a group. I had a program. I had a place to practice what I wanted to build. Those 1 and 1/2 people had enough faith in me to support my vision and want to be guided by me. And yes, things have grown.

They are the reason I kept going. That small amount of faith, those first 'yeses' were momentum and joy.

Your tiny numbers that get you down are actually your future about to stretch out before you if you let them. They are faith from the Universe that you can do this. Your now is creating your future.

Thank them. Honor them. Adore them.

Adore yourself while you are there.

I woke up with a fire in my belly this morning (hello FB status of the day!) wanting to call bullshit on labeling how people price their products and services. Pricing is an exploration, a practice. How many times I was told I was undervaluing myself when all I was doing was simply exploring, practicing, playing, creating.

There are plenty of ways to undervalue ourselves, it isn't just with money. And my prices don't tell you how I'm valuing myself, my actions do. The way I show up in the world.

My business has doubled in earnings every year since I started. As a mom who has been home with all three of my kids, currently still hanging out daily with the three year old, I am crazy proud of what I'm building. I love that my clients can email me when they are nursing their babies to sleep and I can email back when Lucas is watching a show or playing with cars and power rangers. I've raised and lowered my prices. I give a lot of it away for free. (I fully intend to free my husband from a job he hates.)

I connect, because that is one of my mad-hot qualities.

Our businesses need breathing room to grow. They also require us to tap into, fully, our gorgeous selves. The more I honor and talk about my sensitive constitution the more my business and life expand.

Today's email with a highly-sensitive client was all about her hair. How she could find someone to honor the natural flow of her hair and cut it in a way that felt good to her and was less of a fuss to style. The Joy Up Tribe chat was all about unruly, or what I love to call wildly gorgeous hair, for days. Pictures were taken, hair was left natural and we loved each other up.

My client hired me to coach her business. We talk about hair. And the flow of being sensitive. There are more ways to undervalue ourselves than just money.

I know you want, you want it. You can see it, taste it, you dream about it with tears in your eyes.

It is now.
Not in 5 years.
Those 1 and 1/2 clients.
The two words in your Ebook.
The kiss on the lips of the man you've loved for 14 years.
Wearing your stunning heels.

It is now. Prayers for tomorrow are created today.

Drinkable Carpet Cleaner + Heart Centered Marketing

Take-aways from my lovely encounter with the drinkable carpet cleaner:

:: Knock gently.

:: I may not need your service. This is important to know. Let me opt out with gentleness.

:: Tell me your story, but not so I feel bad for you, so I feel empowered by you and your choices.

:: Follow through on your promises. If you offer me an ingredient list, please show it to me. If you say you have something in your car and you'll be back later, don't stalk me on my own sidewalk and pull out scary men from big black cars. Ahem.

:: Know your s**t. Seriously, know it. You don't need to know everything, but be the expert in what you say you are.

:: If you tell me it is drinkable you might just need to pull out a shot glass and prove it to me.

Feel free to translate my marketing/sales advice to the Carpet Lady into your own business. Or if you need some support, check out all that Mamacoach Circle has to offer this month. Click right on the pictures to learn more and sign up!

The Energy of Us, Choice

I just told Chloe, who is distraught that her brother pushed her out of the way to grab a bug, to come from a place of love in her heart and not anger. She sort of made a face at me and then did just that. She got the next bug, no problem. The sun was out, garden play, lots of bugs. Yep.

I have not been writing easily the last few weeks and when someone asked me a question today, I knew that I would be able to write my answer. The reason is that I love to explore topics from a place of love and present them to you that way.

The question: What are my feelings about barter in businesses, mine or otherwise?

My very simple answer is that right away you know if it feels right. If it does, barter with all of your heart, love each other up. If it does not, simply a 'no thank you' is usually enough. We get to say yes or no, intuition or policy, yours to decide. Barter is much larger than a trade in my eyes, it is an energy exchange just like the receiving and giving of money is.

Now want the longer answer? Read on friends.

I grew up in a world of bartering, Wisconsin, where my mother was asked to assist as a midwife at a home birth. This was not the norm in the early 70's. Without knowing specifics, I do know that she was paid in quilts and bread and jam and a whole lot of gratitude. Bartering is a beautiful word to me, it means community, it means love, it means sharing what we have. Often it happens without the word barter ever being mentioned.

I also believe in abundance, in being paid what we are worth, in women pricing things in a way that values their work and the enormous energy they are crafting into their businesses, their art. I know that the first time I was paid a dollar amount that I was afraid to even think, let alone create a pay now button for, my feelings of abundance tripled. The abundance was already there, but I finally understood the honor of another woman trusting me enough to guide her life and business by paying a large amount of money. Scary, but a sacred beautiful feeling. I also felt abundance when over 200 women joined me in the first Joy UP and paid what felt right to them. Some paid nothing, others were generous to the point of tears in my eyes. It changed my life.

I am a stay at home, well, I guess a work a whole lot at home mama to three gorgeous, sassy, busy little bodies of joy. I started my business with less than 100 people knowing anything about what I was creating and no one paying me anything. I have in three years built a platform where I teach change and joy and complete adoration for heart centered marketing and foster community while helping provide monetarily for my family and myself, buying groceries and gas and recently, new brakes for my van. This is a blessing.

One of the reasons that I was able to bring my business to this place of growing abundance (and this is simply the beginning point) is through the love of others. My focus was around building community, being steeped in connections that would hug my business and my life. I don't see a separation between my work and my life. I am what you get, the yummy and yucky bits, all of me.

I reached out in all sorts of ways to other women doing work of their heart, mostly through pure affection for who they were and what they were doing in the world. I offered my courses for free to people when no one signed up. I still offer my courses for free to about 5 people each time I run one. The barter is an energy exchange, just like it is with money. Sometimes the energy exchange becomes a barter of product as a thank you, mostly I know that the more women who are experiencing my programs the further they go out into the world, and being able to gift them enhances my joy. I am able to connect with women who I admire and support and in return they go out of their way to share their experiences with their tribes.

Here is a secret. Many of the businesses you think are making a ton of money, are not. They are simply in the very early stages of their understanding of abundance, and often are budgeting their groceries just as you may be.

These women and I, who have built inspiring connections through our online lives, have gifted each other with our services or products, not out of desperation but out of a joyful wanting to do so.

Remember my short answer, if it doesn't feel good, no thank you. Send a blessing.

Michelle and I often will suggest to our clients just starting out that they reach out to mom bloggers and offer a free spot in their program. This is an implied barter, I gift you with this program because if you adore it and me, you'll help spread the word, help me promote. Community building, not sleezy, pure loving intentions to continue the journey into abundance. I've had clients just starting out barter for babysitting, editing, meals, you name it. This allowed their businesses to flourish. This, just as with money is an energy exchange. Energy, this is all of us, all of our world. Currency pays the bills and helps bring us to freedom, but so does some babysitting or promotion from a big name blogger who adores you. Energy. We get to choose.

There is a barter happening each time someone sends an ebook or course for review. Please accept this book in exchange for some kind words that will help me promote it. You may not think of it as such, but it is. I prefer the words energy exchange, you can call it what you like. We choose our currency, words, promotion, connection, money, inspiration...

I choose to do work in a way that allows me to offer free spots or do some bartering with women I adore who have heart centered businesses. I run a popular pay what feels good program and I have e-courses that can hold hundreds of women. I also do work where I exchange my energy for money only, as in my private coaching.

One more secret. Not everyone is where we are on the journey into understanding abundance. Many of the women who join my pay what feels good program do not have any idea yet of how to feel abundant. Knowing abundance is not part of their experience. I love uniting with women in this place, I love being a teacher on their journey, one reason I do this work. Again, my choice, I love to be able to do work in this way. If it stops feeling good, I'll change it.

Most often I am asked if people can make payments, rather than pay all at once. I love that they ask, rather than just not joining. Same goes with barter, when we are motivated, we explore our options. I once asked to trade raw cheesecake, as in me making it, in exchange for a seat at a conference. I did not make cheesecake but ended up winning a free ticket to the conference. Motivation. Trust. Coming from a place of love in your heart.

These women who say, "I'm sorry I wish I could pay more" often do pay more later on, often for private coaching once they see how a shift in coaching changes their lives. I love this transformation.

As I wrote this today a package arrived in the mail. In it was something I had ordered from a beautiful mama artist. She included other treats for me as a thank you for the pay what feels good program. The package smelled of lavender and the connection we are making is pure loving energy. 

I am led strongly by my intuition as I run my business. I am led by intuition when I coach my beautiful tribes of women. I am led by intuition when I start a new project, the one that is tingling inside and wants to burst forth.

These words I share now are not to imply that I am doing my work of the heart the way you should.

Quite the opposite. They are to say that we all have an intuition of how and why. It is a glimpse of my world. Wisconsin born. Energy lovin'. The things that don't feel right to us can be discovered from a place of love, a simple no thank you and then send our blessings knowing that we are all approaching our lives from where we are, from what feels good or hopeful or deliciously simple and beautiful.

Come from a place of love in your heart, in your business and tap into the intuitive person you are. Your passionate heart centered work guides you, so you know when to say no thank, or I would love to connect that way with you. Thank you.

And always send that blessing.


Meet Kathryn Postulka and Leap!

After yesterday's post, thank you all so much for the beautiful emails you have sent about it, I'm beyond thrilled to share one of my beautiful clients, Kathryn Postulka with you. Kathryn and I have spent the last few months working together and nurturing her business, Inspired Healthy Life. Kathryn is also one of the voices on Mamacoach Circle, a group of holistic women and business owners who are supporting, inspiring and taking action together!

Please enjoy Kathryn's voice and the beautiful gift she has created for designing a personal manifesto!

Kathryn, thank you for all the joy you have brought to my world for the last few months and for all the energy and passion you share through your work and the way you live your life!


It’s when you’re at the top, on the platform and looking out that the fear sinks in. Only a few moments ago, from the safety of below, it felt so doable. Fun even. But isn’t that always the way? Part of you never believes you’ll get there, all the way at the top, first in line and about to fly.

We don’t believe it, because it feels safer not to. But here you are, toes to the edge of the platform, only air as a cushion that doesn’t really look so cushiony. The instructor yells out what seems impossible – ‘lean over, lean forward, grab the bar with two hands.’ You are so far forward, you’re past the point of being able to pull yourself back.

So, you go.

Grab the bar, and jump off the platform. It’s the right choice, and you know immediately. You are rewarded with an incredible free fly through the air. It’s glorious, it’s beautiful! You have released the fear and you’re literally soaring!

I love the trapeze. It’s exhilarating and terrifying and way more fun that any adult usually has. It requires you to stretch yourself and your mind. It requires total trust when you can’t remember why it seemed like a good idea in the first place, and then it rewards you by sending you up higher and faster than you dreamed possible. That’s the beauty of it.

When Hannah pushed me to find my voice as a coach, I felt instant fear. It’s scary putting yourself out there, especially when your instinct is to stay private and hold back. It’s an easier decision to stand with the crowd, blend in and decide not to climb that ladder to the platform above. But I knew she was right. If I wasn’t willing to embrace all that I am and put myself out there in the world, how could I ever expect my clients to do the same?

Fear is a crushing thing. It can stop the unstoppable and you can easily miss out on the best ride of your life.

Frankly, it feels just like my trapeze experience. To me, it represents taking chances, leaning out further than feels comfortable, taking a risk and jumping. I strive to always challenge myself like that. That’s why ‘flying on the trapeze’ is in my personal manifesto.

I’m a big believer in visualization. I used this trick all the time in my younger sports days, and I’ve used it throughout my life. If you can see it, feel it and believe it, you can do it. This is why creating a set of statements that inspires, energizes and helps to create a mental picture of who you are and what matters to you is one of the most useful personal tools you can have.

Think positive. Be an active participant in your life. Eat real food. Indulge in good chocolate, a glass of good wine, cozy sweaters and awesome coffee mugs. That’s how my personal manifesto begins. It’s filled with things that I want to surround myself and fill my life with. On those days when everything is going wrong, I try to sprinkle some of these into my day to make it better. On better days when I’m feeling optimistic, I think about how I can move forward and achieve all that the manifesto is and represents to me. It’s my visional guide and my personal mission statement. If I can see it, I can believe it. And if I believe it, I can do it.

I don’t think I’m alone in that. What will be on your personal manifesto?

I’m really excited to share with you my free workbook for creating your personal manifesto. You can use your manifesto like a personal vision statement – a set of guiding statements of who you are, who you want to be and how you want to live. Fill it up with you and use it as your inspiration to live the best life you can imagine for yourself.

Sign up for your own personal manifesto workbook here...

Find Your Spirit. Dream Your Style.

I am a scientist of emotions, choices, the why. While I have never considered myself to be particularly 'book smart,' I am emotionally wise. I first heard Jen Louden say this on a call, that she had always been wishing to be smarter and then realized that her gift of intelligence was in the emotional world and I instantly understood myself in that deep way, when things start to come together. Pieces of the puzzle lining up.

One of my joys is working with women who are starting a new business, a business of the heart. When you are creating a business out of nothing, as so many of us bloggers/coaches/entrepreneurs are, something can happen before you discover your why. You see the work of someone else and love it, perhaps they even are your mentor.  Words, picture, style all become someone else's and the business you are inside of does not reflect your creation or your voice.

This could be using anything that looks just like someone's elses or it could be as serious as using someone's words without their permission. All of a sudden you are no longer inside of your own spirit of creation, you have missed out on something so intensely beautiful, the moment of creation that is all yours.

The moment when all the inspiration floating around suddenly inspires you to make something new, something bold and genius. That click of brilliance, even if only you think so, it is still your brilliance, it is yours. It looks new and fresh because it is.

We've all been there. Scared to be who we are, not knowing our own voice and eager to use the spirit of another.

I've been on both sides of this. I've been new in my business and obsessed with the spirit and style of others -every other day obsessing it seems. I felt a lack. I was living in scarcity mode and it felt yucky. I wanted to be Susannah Conway or Soulemama or all the other bloggers and entrepreneurs I admire. I struggled to find my voice because I wanted to be someone else, I wanted their success or fame or brilliance!

When you adore something someone else is doing, you crave doing that too. There is that moment of not being inside of your spirit. Of having no dream for your style. Of just wanting to be them, and there is this weird time when your mimicking can confuse you into believing it is you. But it is not. Look closely, I've had to do it, a lot. Look and see who you really are seeing.

We fall into the copying because we don't think we are moving fast enough, getting enough page views or likes or comments. We do it out of jealousy, insecurity, impatience, desire to be where we aren't.

Imitation is flattery, there is no doubt about this. None at all. But I know it can hurt.

I've been on the side of watching things I have created be used by others. It feels a bit like someone has taken something that can never be replaced, a piece of who you are. It makes your heart hurt and you get angry. The more your work resonates with others and starts to change lives, the more this will become part of the story.

The hurt and anger are part of the ego feeling. The truth is that our spirit is ours.

It is tough stuff to work through to know this. When I first encountered it I thought I would never find my voice again, seeing it somewhere else, watching it as though through a strange lens. I developed writers block and I cried a lot. I thought I must be so average if my work was so easily copied. I got angry, I couldn't understand. But I can. Often it is a legal issue, but usually it becomes a lesson in learning to release, let go and create even more amazing work. And eventually stop worrying about it. This is part of the journey.

Here is my truth. I want to shine. To shine my light. And I want to cheer you on as you flow into yours. Your light is the one you need to step into. Don't confuse it as your own as you 'copy' another. Inspiration is not imitation.

We must all step into our beautiful spirits.

No, jump, fly into them when it comes to making these businesses of ours. Or raising kids. Or making our homes beautiful. Or feeding our bodies.

Know that your spirit guide in creating your business and your life is inside of you. She is no where else.

What inspires you? Use it, create late into the night.

Love your mentors. Love them, credit them, acknowledge them, thank them to the point of being obnoxious. Embrace gratitude for all of those who influence and help you be your amazing self. They are an enormous part of what makes you, you.

My spirit guide can leave me in awe. When I give her space, she shows up and twinkles and there is fairy dust and magic wands. If you haven't given yourself time to get to know yours, it is time to do some connecting.

Open the space to be you.

Dream your style. Make sure that no one would ever look at what you do and see someone else. This is icky. Blah, you don't want that. Go to multiple sources of inspiration and then close it all down. Go inside of yourself, find your style. You must dream your style.

Create using inspiration from so many sources you fill a notebook. A dash of Oprah, a sprinkle of Kris Carr, a twinkle of Danielle LaPorte, a whisper of Louis Haye, a kiss on the cheek from Mike get the idea. Mike Dooley, I'll take that kiss, really!

Find your spirit. Create your story.

Remember the gratitude. Say thank you. Jump, fly.


Build Your Tribe Tuesday - Creative juices flowing

Inspiration hits.

You are giddy from the rush of ideas.

You go from not knowing what to do into having 12 ideas.

How do you start, there is so much to sort through, to plan out.

Claiming one of those ideas and riding it, going inside and looking at it from the finale to the moment the curtain is raised. Why this? Because you can't not do it. This is the one for now.

Look at your tribe, the one that you are building doing it joyfully. What are they ready for, asking for? Is this the one that will start to gather your tribe in your circle?

The other 11 beautiful ideas also need a place to go while you are diving into your one big project. A document, a folder, a file. Give them a home to slowly grow and be nurtured when inspiration hits. Often the one project needs more and one of these others may end up providing inspiration and information. Don't get lost in the 12 ideas, your tribe won't find you there.

When your juices are flowing, make space for them. Capture them all. Give them a home.

Build one, take it on the adventure your mind is creating for it, ride it, nurture it, see where it is taking you.

This one thing, this creative moment inside of clarity, this just may become what you have been waiting to discover inside of you all along.

Build Your Tribe Tuesday - Do it with joy

I was at a marketing conference once with some big names and a woman with a very large tribe and successful business stood up. She admitted she didn't love her work, it didn't bring her joy, light her up.

Yes, she built her tribe. She was making money, well known, and not loving any of it. But she was so good at what she did.

Are you building your tribe around something that does not light you up? Close your eyes. When you stand in the center of your tribe, and feel why they are gathered around you, does it bring you joy? Are you doing it because you can or you can't not?

This is your business, your choice, your chance at connecting with passion. Build your tribe around that. When you start to shift away from that, close your eyes again. Feel your tribe around you. Ask them how you can serve them through your joy?

Then listen.