Beautiful Faces. Magical Places.

I am eager for the lists that make their way out on sleepy Friday mornings. Today I am a decaf coffee but bummed I can't find my favorite mug, kind of forgot breakfast and just realized I'm starving, know this morning why I can only have one margarita --not two even if they are tiny, oy-oy-oy kind of mama.

These are my pay-it-forward lists. This one is bursting.

Crush on this site and Lisa. Make a mug of your favorite, if you haven't seen her photographs yet, you are going to get lost.

Another crush. If you asked me to pick a topic to sit around the fire pit and talk about I would choose voice. I'm cool like that.

Facebook conversations led me to this one. My twenties were an incredible time of growth and a whole lot of fight. I am so loving the wisdom of starting my flow into late thirties.

Number 8 is a tough one for me and got me into needless fights with my love this week. We get to learn these gifts over and over and over until we master the lesson.

A-ha moments like wow reading this one. Yep.

I had these glasses in 8th grade, a little more peach than pink. I want them again. Great lighting tips in this video.

Patti's honesty and raw love brought me to tears. Those of us raising kids molded and born with a magical uniqueness understand how vital discovering each of them can be.

This video I've watched 3 times now makes me want to be a better me each time.

Love Tanya's video because she is gorgeous and I am called to explore prosperity and what it looks like for myself. Maybe I'll write about it when I'm in the know.

Butter and softness. I'm going to make some millet toast and soften even more today.

Daydreaming is getting lost. I'm sad. I will be going offline even more to reconnect to my own practice because I used to be a kick-ass daydreamer.

All of these and I haven't even done my weekly Roots of She reading. Start here and just continue on.

Loving this wrist adornment. I'm a Virgo. Yes.

I launched a summer encore of The Making Space Cleanse. This is about space, spirit and thought. No rules, no diet plan. It isn't about food, but it includes fresh gorgeous summer recipes. The fact that women in the last round are signing up again makes me joyous.