Beautiful Faces. Magical Places.


I am eager for the lists that make their way out on sleepy Friday mornings. Today I am a showered, rather calm for me, forgetting the dog food again, excited for the potential of today kind of woman.

Oh me, I love love.

Facebook, you know I adore you, but we really need to talk about this.

I have this one on repeat today.

I've run into this one a few times, and each time, feel the magic.


She made me cry with this one.

You had me at dancing with the moon.


Beautiful Faces. Magical Places.

 purple heart rock

I am eager for the lists that make their way out on sleepy Friday mornings. Today I am a woman united with a world struggling to understand, take a deep breath. Today I am love. Today we are love.

Look into the eyes.  {found from Susannah}

I am rather in love with this company. I don't own anything from them but these words, this understanding, this makes me .

Read this 17 times-ish. Felt more softness inside...

From an old friend and client. This.

I will never save the poem for just the end. This to me was such a brilliant emotional untangling.

There is a lot of juice in this one.

Just ordered this and can't wait!!!!

One of the loves in my life, who helps me heal, laugh and feel such joy.

 Anything Justine, but we can start here this week. "Epic is about bringing it." Huge crush on this woman.



Beautiful Faces. Magical Places.

 buddha and ball

I am eager for the lists that make their way out on sleepy Friday mornings. Today I am a injured ribs from yoga, lots of decaf and praying, loving the sunshine on this magical March day and so excited to get my eyebrows waxed tomorrow kind of woman.

I took a healing and life shifting trip to Oregon which I'll share more about soon. Some of the women on the trip have started to share their words. I can't read these posts without crying. I will be sitting down to share more about this kind of circling with women soon, I just have to let the words find their way through me::



Jessica ~ Here are the sea elves Kelly mentioned if you need some magic!


Something about this art from Mati makes me feel such magic in how we show up in each other's lives for the healing process and how it occurs over the course of our lives, with an assortment of people.

This little guy sits on my bathroom sink in my new space (more about that soon)! Thank you Michelle!

On my list of carve out time for, I adore David and Maggie.


I will be teaching at retreats in WA and NC this year. If you are feeling adventure, self-love, time for deep healing/dreaming/resting/integrating/discovering - I would love to wrap my arms around you at one of these beautiful gatherings.

April:: Feast 

October:: Serendipity


I am thrilled to be offering this as an online group course again this month. The impact on your life from glue sticks and magazines is rather hard to wrap your brain around. It is about doing the work and allowing yourself to fully feel what you want from this life. Join us...

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”   ~ Rumi


Beautiful Faces. Magical Places.

I am eager for the lists that make their way out on sleepy Friday mornings. Today I am a snow you can suck it kind of woman.

Love this woman. Love even more that she wrote this post and unknowingly to me I found the book a few weeks later. Bam.

One of my stunning clients who breathes life into herself through her words.

My gorgeous VA sent this to me, and yes. Just yes.

So honored.

More honor. Seriously, this still takes me by surprise that people ask me to answer their questions. Blessed.

Grab tissues. Just sayin'.

I adore her work, her style, her all.

Just a few spaces left...

My newest language like whoa.

Only slightly jealous. I am adoring this woman and the work whe is bringing to the world.

More tissues, and I am in love with light. Shine baby, shine.

I remember the first time I said fuck on my blog, I was so scared, but that was being truly me. Now, no fears.

Michelle wore these in NYC for her gorgeous event, and look at this!!!

Thank you sweet one, so blessed to have your friendship!

Love, love, love the poetry.

So, yes, these are the scarves I've been wearing, love them.


Beautiful Faces. Magical Places.

I am eager for the lists that make their way out on sleepy Friday mornings. Today I am a craving sensual experiences especially inside of my intuition, loving every sip of my coffee, noticing the light shining in, dreaming of paint colors and shelves, thrilled to put on my favorite shirt that I finally washed, kind of woman.

"I have a stake in the human story."

I am deeply in love with the women surrounding my work and my life. Grateful she is one of them.

She has the greatest hair and made me pee my pants reading this one!

Swirl with me baby.

I tell you now, someday I am going to wrap my arms around this woman and try to morph her energy into mine!

Think I may have just used the word juicy the other day but I swear it was for sensual reasons...

Thinking about each of these, working on my own list from 2012.

Savor. Please, please. [posted by Andrea on FB]

This honesty brings such light.

A must listen. I have the book on its way.

[Anne posted on FB]  This darling, this.

So totally going to make this pad thai and these chocolate delights.

Beautiful Faces. Magical Places.

I am eager for the lists that make their way out on sleepy Friday mornings. Today I am a full of self care, full of decaf, full of excitement for all that is, full of joy because this life is so beautiful kind of mama. (What we focus on expands.)

These days I rarely read many blogs, I tend to reserve my time for my clients and close friends who are saying the words my heart needs to hear. But on this day, I saw the title of the post and had to read it. So glad I did.

This is crazy making. Crazy making. Crazy making.

I'm a tad bit in love with this one right now.

Thinking so much about how much I really need. I'm giving The Making Space Cleanse a make-over soon and I'm going to be focusing on this idea of enoughness.

So yeah, I might kinda get this Molly!!!!!!

It is work loves. Hard, hard work. I promise you this. Stay in the joy no matter where you are.

Fish keep showing up in my life, perhaps a spirit guide whisper? (Beautiful and gorgeous too!) And we have a little giveaway on the blog, don't forget to enter!

I am soooo excited for this, I'll be there, will you beloved?

It's about inclusion. Doesn't that kind of make your eyes water? Feast. Feast. Feast.

Can't stop listening to this one.

So honored to be in this lovely space with this sweet one.

I'm working on 50% this and 50% deep connections. That is my year.

And you? Where have you found beauty and magic?


Dear Magical Universe...

From a bit of soulwork in The Holiday Joy Up. Today I write my letter filled with wishes and thank yous for the year past and the year to come and invite you to make space to reach out to the magic that is waiting around you. Password:: Friday

Friday Soulwok from Hannah Marcotti on Vimeo.


My littlest (4) has never been sledding. He was two the last time we had a blanket of snow and the two big kids took turns on our one little sled. I wish for him a blanket of snow if he wakes up on Christmas morning to a sled from Santa.

I have visions of Chloe (10) playing the guitar alongside me, learning our favorite songs together. Singing together. Letting our spirit guide fox help us connect to that passion inside of us.

I see Eli (7) learning to play golf to help him understand his emotions and also to finally get down that last little bit in the splits he has been practicing every day.

I have visions of Patrick (41) owning his passion and place in your beautiful world.

I asked so much this past year. I am floating in the sea of all you gifted me when I saw, wished, prayed, manifested and was guided by your visions.

To travel my work, to connect deeply, to heal my relationship with my belly, to be brave, to hold space for so many women who were along on the journey to joy through ritual, trust and magic.

I am going to the West Coast 4 times this year. Seriously, 4 times. You believed me when I said I was ready to open my wings. I feel such softness and love to you for that. I pray that my work is enough thanks and that the pay it forward effect is powerful beyond my wildest visions. You are kicking me out of my cave, aren't you?

Slowly I am moving myself out of this retreat and slight isolation of the last year, or so. A time when my senses needed to draw inward, to learn and understand trusting myself and my feminine intuition. This is scary shit sweet Universe. Scary shit.

I prayed to you. I visioned with you. I haven't stopped. And now I'm a little bit, ok, I am tired and filled up all at the same time. I am ready to trust that I can take a small break. That I can blink my eyes, take a nap, go days without turning on a computer. I wish for the strength to be in a place of soft pause, floating, allowing all that has been to sink in and take hold with deep roots.

For the last month or so I haven't been able to keep my house and space clean and uncluttered. I know why, I've been exhausted and confused about things but I gotta ask you for the energy to bring my space back to the beauty and openess that I need now. So maybe if I take a nap or something? Let's work on that one.

I visioned women who would help me on the path to healing. You sent me so many that I feel I must have won the lottery as each one has come so that I could learn how to reach out, to be vulnerable and to ask for help. I never knew how to ask for help, truly, before this year without feeling weak. Now the power it provides me with helps me understand the quiet magic behind what I do in this world. You have allowed me to start connecting the dots, your stars and stand under the moon in a connectedness of love for this gorgeous world I have been blessed to be part of.

Shamanic journeys, tattoos, past lives, soulwork, spirit guides...I am hungry to learn more, to keep going, to not be afraid of what the angels know.

Every woman our energy together has brought me to work with has been an echo of my journey, of my energy. Please know that I will continue to have profound faith in the magic that can be found in that energy. I wish for each woman who trusts in my guidance that they will know that faith energy as I know it.

As you know, you and I have been on a mission of making space and I need to ask you to help me find ways to have more space so that I may spend time in stillness, deep body knowing and passion. I'm ready to let go of what I keep thinking that should look like and let you do some of your wand waving. I release...

It is hard sometimes on this beautiful ride magic maker. I understand why. I am recieving. I am listening. And I am forever wishing, visioning and doing my work, my freaking gorgeous work.

Learning to accept this ride as though I am on a magical boat, trusting the waves, the anchor and that we navigate together.

I often wonder if thank you is enough and yet it must be. Simplicity right? Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


P.S. So, I'd also like to throw in a request for a bra that doesn't hurt, that feels comfy and holds these boobs that nursed for 7 years of their lifetime up nice and pretty. Baby making and nursing days are over and I'd like to treat them well.

Beautiful Faces. Magical Places.

She drew this for me.

I am eager for the lists that make their way out on sleepy Friday mornings. Today I am mixed up between all parts of who I am and the feelings inside and the need to sleep but hugging my hot cup of coffee closer because I don't have to know, right... kind of mama.

 I adore little acorn and used to do all sorts of things like this with my kids, hmmm....

I somehow see my spirit inside of this one, you know when art touches you in that way?

Yes, Liz and I still have our love affair going, we are helping eachother in so many ways, I am truly grateful.

I really want to write a what would happen post, but for now...

Next tattoo is probably stars, just saying.

FREE and Vivienne in the same sentence, go get yours.

Each year I feel the female guides I need show up to me and enter Julie.

"People are drawn to our brands by what they need from us to be more of themselves or to have the life they’re trying to create." Bam. Post that up on a vision board somewhere, tattoo it on your heart.

Feeling like I'm eggy and spermy all mixed up but have always identified with eggy, something to think about. [via Michelle]

So my workshop will be among the last at Teahouse, this was a manifesting dream come true and we have spaces available. Come vision with me and watch your life start to shift in magical ways because you are allowing it to.

Patrick travels with a gym bag while in his suits on the plane. This bothers me, thinking of getting him this...thoughts? (Patrick don't open link.)

This may need to be mine. Pow.

From one of my gorgeous clients who I look forward to our bi-weekly chats in enormous ways.


I don't offer information that doesn't need to find its way to my kids. I wait for them to ask, I wait for them to want to know because until then, they just don't need to. We all grow up soon enough right?


 Can't. Stop. Listening. To. This. Beautiful.

Beautiful Faces. Magical Places.

I am eager for the lists that make their way out on sleepy Friday mornings. Today I am a Target for twinkle lights, hoping that isn't pink eye on the little one, craving Chloe's soup, trying not to push, looking forward to tomorrow and breakfast out kind of mama.

These are my pay-it-forward lists.

I am totally going to try to play with this way of being with my daughter.

I'm shifting how I am spending my energy so that I am in filling up mode rather than depleting. This from Sas says it all.

Abraham is my secret weapon. Like for reals.

Let's all make one shall we? My kids and I are so on it.

 In. Love.

Comfort zones are huge for me, thinking I will brave taking pictures when we go out for breakfast tomorrow.

People often think part of my work is about self-care. I rarely use those words because if you looked at my life you would see very little of this classic 'self-care.' I follow my passion, I stay up late creating and get burned out, I let my eyebrows go to long without plucking and I think about getting a massage all the time. For me it is compassion. For myself and others. Bam.

The message on this gorgeous piece is what I want you all to know, to remind yourselves. A gift to the soul, she needs to know.

Just got this from one of the gorgeous women in Community Grace. I love, love, love. Been playing with scents as I am sensitive but often crave just the lightest truth from the oils.

Chloe and I both have moon calendars in our rooms. I love that so young she is already understanding new moon energy and full moon madness!



Beautiful Faces. Magical Places.

I am eager for the lists that make their way out on sleepy Friday mornings. Today I am a up at 4:30am so glad it isn't 3:00am again, must go to Trader Joe's for almond meal and chocolate, forgot to put laundry in for Chloe that I promised (luckily I'm up at 4:30am) and I'm going to make the pie today -you'll see- kind of mama.

These are my pay-it-forward lists.

This could be a fun way to look back and remember.

This inspires me to move, something that I just don't have naturally born within me. I want to move more.

I don't pause for a costume change either.

This jacket is soft as butter and for a HSP it is divine. I wore it all day long.

This was one of those wow posts. ~ via Tanya G.

Thank you to so many for how you give.

 The grain free recipe search commences. I haven't had stuffing in years.

 We do this. I was under the impression for years that making it yourself was hard, it isn't.

Oldie but goodie.

Making this Saturday for friends. I haven't had dinner guests in so long. Time to start again.

 This book. This life.

Suggested via FB for my kids who love to draw fantasy worlds. Waiting for Christmas. While praying for a Christmas that brings meaning, not stuff for the sake of stuff.

This is why I love the internet, community, connection. Donated.


This. This is happening. I'm going to tell you much more, for now, this.

Beautiful Faces. Magical Places.

I am eager for the lists that make their way out on sleepy Friday mornings. Today I am a make hot soup to simmer away on the stove early, make the bed, call back the potential babysitter, cross things off that funky list next to me by noon (yes, this is a challenge) and "mama please can we go to the playground before we pick up the big kids" kind of mama.

These are my pay-it-forward lists.

Jamie and Me. xo

Oh Pam, I love this. ~via Susannah C

Dream. Come. True.

I have not cross stitched since I was a little girl. I am so feeling like making a little basket and going back in.

Shame. Know this one? A beautiful sharing of the process of moving through, not pushing against.

This is how I plan my programs. All of it with sticky notes, right here. And then I spontaneously get things like this for my daughter, shhh!

Catching up on my reading. Blogs, just yes.

The storm has brought waves of emotion to us on the East Coast.


Catch up with my news from my world, Would they notice?


Beautiful Faces. Magical Places.

(Writing this blog post, sipping that coffee, wearing something I made with my hands. Joy.)

I am eager for the lists that make their way out on sleepy Friday mornings. Today I am  a sinking into bed, creating things with my hands while sipping coffee, can't believe it is almost noon and I've got some deadlines to go play with kind of mama.

These are my pay-it-forward lists.

I love most things with sensitive in the title.

Let's just know this and really pay attention. And also believe that our world must start to change and that we are that change.

I have a huge crush on succulents.

Beautiful. Photography dreams I have.

Hello, mama will be going into the kitchen.

I wish I was in CA so I could be part of this magic.

Vivienne is rocking my world with everything she does and is.

Via Stefanie Renee on FB this beautiful kickstarter. Can you feel the energy around this one. Buy a gorgeously loving bag for yourself or a gift for someone you love and know that this is supporting real art.

I'm committed to talking more about healing our marriages and our own selves. This from Kelly, this will guide you.

I'm starting to make things again. I'll write about it soon, but for now, what she said. Gorgeousness from Andrea.

"Big heart love." Yes, that is Jenny. Her telling of truth is awe inspiring. I am blessed to have her on my team.

Speaking of awe, hello!!! Inspired, intimidated and admitting I think we have one printed picture of our third child in the house. I hung a frame up in the kitchen and it is still empty. He's four.

In nude. Just saying.

Beautiful Faces. Magical Places.

I am eager for the lists that make their way out on sleepy Friday mornings. Today I am a red lipstick, hot mocha with almond milk, sitting with the sun shining down on my face, loving my husband being home with me all week which is like vacation from the school and feeding duties for me kind of mama.

These are my pay-it-forward lists.

OK, this is my own link but I have to tell you that reading the comments this week has been one of the most amazing gifts that I have ever received. Thank you, thank and thank you.

I love when words can create a buzz, a social media sharing frenzy.

OK, so I've been under a rock, it takes me about 3 years to catch up on music. Love.

I am guessing this will make it to every Friday link list there is. Amen gorgeous, what needs to go on your list?

When people I adore take time to show the people they adore, I adore them even more. And I adore all three of these beauties.

I have been having some silly crazy fun with these two schemers and dreamers. I can't wait to share it. And I will tell you, these are my favorite underwear (I mean panties.

My sweet friend's father. Listening to him made me realize that I have found my art. Writing is the thing that I feel I was born to do. Without question.

She is positively divine and this is a gorgeous way to know in your heart.

This chic rocks in big ways. Meet her and love her.

I am utterly in love with everything about this.

Beautiful Faces. Magical Places.

I am eager for the lists that make their way out on sleepy Friday mornings. Today I am a well at least I have dog food for the dog and frozen pizza for dinner, drinking more water, manifesting the most amazing babysitter for me and Lucas (please oh please), driving a minivan with a piece of plastic falling off from underneath, so crazy happy my husband has a whole week off next week kind of mama.

These are my pay-it-forward lists.

So, let's just start with this.

Amazing find. (This woman I adore linked it up on FB.)

Julie starts this post acknowledging how blessed she is and my eyes start to water. This truth... and openness.

I have enjoyed pastries from this bakery so many times and her story, wow. My Aunt and a dear friend live in Hastings.

Because sometimes we feel like this. Yes, I know you know.

Writers. This.

The beautiful Jennifer Louden posted this book link today on FB and with it a beautiful conversation, "A HUGE danger for me of social media & blogging is focusing on short term pats on the back rather than the work itself."

Time Sensitive, it is the birthday of one of my sweetest friends and a kick-ass coach/mama/woman.

How sweet is this? I love being able to connect the dots from the work I do with the stories behind it.

I really love this guy.

Obsessed with recreating something like this.

And if I lived alone I would probably do this.

Yes, my antlers are on their way. Can't wait to welcome them in. And re-arrange the furniture when they arrive. Of course. No, my husband has no idea, unless he is reading my blog right now. ;)

Beautiful Faces. Magical Places.

I am eager for the lists that make their way out on sleepy Friday mornings. Today I am a went to an appointment I didn't have and waited 1/2 an hour, birthday love hangover bliss/crabby, staring at my pile of dishes and grateful for the pot of leftover chicken soup kind of mama.

These are my pay-it-forward lists.

I love this woman and her challenge and the challenge inside the challenge! I have actually found myself returning to my jewelry after feeling so lost to who I was for a long time. I love my reconnection to self.

When mamas go deep and honest, my heart says 'amen.'

Britta just showed me this and I'm in love.

I am working on my own superhero list of powers. Do you know yours?

From my gorgeous client and friend. When we share our tears and vulnerability we connect.

Stunning poetry.

#tubeku is pure brilliance.

Saw this from Kelly's post, thinking this would be so perfect for my daughter who needs something special, all her own as she is starting her own self care routines.


Beautiful Faces. Magical Places.

I am eager for the lists that make their way out on sleepy Friday mornings. Today I am a praying for ease, meditating on ease, dreaming of ease, sending blessings of ease, stirring ease into my decaf so I might be greeted with a slow day, a day that I need to feel so not-so-out-of-control kind of mama.

These are my pay-it-forward lists.

Seriously, read the description of this beauty! Love it.

Sas stepped into the ease. It is part of her magic.

This will make your mind all gooey and mushy and then you will sigh because it really is so beautiful. {via Alicyn}

I profess my love for Vivienne.

“I am not a lucky person, I’m a blessed person” ~Lovetta Conto

This is just funny. I love Instagram ya'll. {via Christy}


Sending you all with blessings for a beautiful weekend. xo


Beautiful Faces. Magical Places.

I am eager for the lists that make their way out on sleepy Friday mornings. Today I am a shocked that I didn't blog this week but wrote a lot in my head, feeling the space of Fridays, waiting for bacon to arrive for breakfast while realizing I planned nothing for dinner (oh no) kind of mama.

These are my pay-it-forward lists.

Discovering Amelia through Amanda today. In my still found her still.

I've been looking for women who are writing about marriage. Like the real stuff. And the gratitude.

Watching Legend of Korra season finale yesterday I was in tears, (partly because we were obsessed with Avatar and having it back is joy) Aang says, "When we are at our lowest is when our greatest change can come." Just sayin' people, this show is really where any of my wisdom comes from!

I'm a quote girl. I so relate to every word and I loved meeting Vivienne in July.

Chloe turns 10 soon and her face started to break out. She dabbed this on that I bought for my dry skin and in one day her face was more smooth. A preteen secret weapon.

I'm just going to call him my soul-brother. You'll see.

I adore when women come together to teach, to guide, to share.

This is perfection for the Leo New Moon today, prompting us to use our voice, find our creative.

I've been thinking so much about this, the pauses - do we have too many, do we not do enough? I don't have an answer, but I have the questions.

Just plain fun, my handwriting is crazy, but I am really liking the idea of this.

Have you seen that Mamacoach Circle has a home now? It is gorgeous, a beautiful color story and just as we have allowed the business to evolve so shall our online home.

I am searching for an oversized bag. I love this one and this one. Still looking...

Um, where have I been. Freaking loving this blog.

Beautiful Faces. Magical Places.

I am eager for the lists that make their way out on sleepy Friday mornings. Today I am a having a hard time being a mama (these weeks happen), feet in the sand, french press coffee and soaking up hearing my three year old say 'I love you' again kind of mama.

These are my pay-it-forward lists.

Few online spaces feel as cozy and loving as this one. Being there was a joy.

Her dogs are gorgeous and I love that she is in my city. Can't wait for our first date. xo

This woman brought me to tears. I simply love her and as I'm working through some tough stuff on my own end, it feels so good to be seen.

I ordered another shirt because I feel cozy and gorgeous in them. When you find that, treasure it.

One of my beautiful joy up tribe women posted this for me to see. Love.

Beautiful Faces. Magical Places.

I am eager for the lists that make their way out on sleepy Friday mornings. Today I am a starting again because the first start was too hard, lots of sorting to come and a trip to the dog park while dreaming of how I might get a nap today kind of mama.

These are my pay-it-forward lists. Today I'm sharing a post from the online homes of each of the guests in The Joy Up, A 30 Day Journey so you can know them more. Prep week is happening now and we will dive into our weekly soulwork starting on Sunday. There is still time to join this beautiful tribe.

Loving this series that Britta has started, going inside of the process and behind the scenes a bit!

A soul's purpose.

I have never been to camp, but this is the one I want to go to!

Following her crumbs is pure joy and heart opening.

A reminder to be present, grounded, here.


A huge outpouring of love for this interview with Bernardo this week. The most amazing thing is when people say, "I see myself in you." That is why our story is so important to tell.