Beautiful Faces. Magical Places.

I am eager for the lists that make their way out on sleepy Friday mornings. Today I am a teeny-tiny mug of watered down coffee with coconut milk (yes, missing my decaf quite much) followed by making breakfast smoothies that most did not drink, squeezing in a tiny bit of work, walking the dog, and going to buy a hose so we can water our herbs kind of mama.

These are my pay-it-forward lists. 

Chloe's tomato soup was included in Jodi's Tomato Thursday. Seriously, how cute is Tomato Thursday.

You can feel the energy and release from Jo Anna as she lets good go.

From Ruth, who I adore. So loving this momentum she is creating in her life.

Can't live without this stuff, and I just ran out. Yikes. Thank goodness they are having a sale! (P.S. I'll be doing a giveaway from Vapour next month during Beauty Week!)

Michelle's detox starts this Sunday, focus on new mamas.

You should like this Facebook Page, Daniel is an amazing spirit.

I've been busy, busy with kids home from vacation this week. I can only imagine how much more loveliness is floating around the inter-webs! Link to your favorite post this week in the comments.

With blessings for a gorgeous weekend!