My Superpower is YOU

Writing as part of Andrea Scher's gorgeous launch today feels like standing in a circle of women who I have such love and trust for and with. It feels like joy, honor and grace stenciled on rocks with big black letters. It feels like giggling till your belly hurts and hugs that you melt into. It feels like a glass of red wine sipped while letting dark chocolate melt in your mouth.

Andrea and I connected on Facebook with a little mama-love-fest. Yes, I am one of FB biggest fans. Then we schemed about me sneaking into her workshop at WDS. I totally did. She was the person I talked to after having my scary poke around my bladder appointment at the doctor.

And while life has been so completely out of the norm crazy around here, I'm pretty sure our next conversation will start with me saying, "Holy crap woman, you just stepped into your light in a way that is going to open the gates for other women to find theirs." Or maybe she'll just read that here.

Andrea writes, "To me, a Superhero is someone who invites her wisest, bravest, most alive self to come out and play, every day. This doesn’t mean having all the answers, being unshakably strong, or performing dramatic feats of heroism. It means being someone like you – and someone like me. Someone who is anxious and uncertain, oh, say, 50 – 80% of the time. Someone who wants to live a juicy, full, courageous life — but doesn’t always know how. Someone who understands that vulnerability just might be the greatest superpower of all."

And so I feel really vulnerable every time I write about my leaking bladder or talk about my marriage struggles or tell you how freaking hard it is to be a mother. I feel scared to share the details. I wonder if I ever told you about the panic attack I had during a live call with women I business coach. I was so scared to post that picture on Instagram of myself 14 years ago because I don't look like her anymore. But I love her.

Every time I am stuck or don't know what next, I realize that my superpower is you. My connection to you, with you, for you. I post those pictures for you, I write those words for you, I jump into my vulnerability for you. My power comes from you.

I'm the one who sees bravery as a tattoo on her soul.

I'm the one who each year sheds a layer so she can love more.

I'm the one who eats chocolate for breakfast if I want to.

I'm the one who forgets appointments and bills and laundry for 3 days in the washer because writing to you captures my spirit.

I'm the one who daily follows her spirit before glancing at her calendar.

I'm the one who believes that connection is her superpower.

I'm the one who finds feathers where you'll never see a bird.

I'm the one who sits in her leather chair, pouring over Andrea's words, grateful that she guides me to say, "What's next? 'Cause I'm coming."

I'm the one who believes in you. You are my superpower.


A giveaway spree is happening over on Superhero Life today. Leave a comment over there and, you know, maybe win something fantastic.