Sponsor Tribe Highlights ~ Gratitude

Huge love and gratitude to the sponsors of Mama Space. You are such a beautiful part of this tribe. Today I send a blessing of gratitude to these beautiful women and their businesses. Hope they can feel it! 

March will be the last month for Sponsorship for a bit. Any interest please email hello@hannahmarcotti.com.


I will be serving Jen's Om Time Tea during our first Joy Circle which will be March 30th (details to come). Get reacquainted with Jen and find all of her links here.





Nicole is offering gorgeous work to the world, if you missed reading her words, you can check them out here. She has that energizing tickle inside that she talks of!





Christyna's work lights me up! If a compassionate and intuitive financial coach sounds intriguing, it is! Christyna shares more about her life and work here.