Sponsor Tribe Love - Meet Nicole Burley

I set an intention of creating a tribe of women who believed in each other, held space to support each other and who I would love to go have tea with and sit and talk for hours.

Sponsor Tribe Love is a way to share unique businesses and skills from some of this tribe with you. I have so much gratitude for their support.

Meet Nicole Burley, a friend from the online community of awesome people I have the pleasure of meeting and learning from on a daily basis. I know you will love the work Nicole is up to as much as I do.


Health is fun. Diets are not.

Six simple words that describe my philosophy!

I should probably let you know that I have tried EVERYTHING. Name a diet, a plan, a regimen, a program - and I have probably done it. It's exhausting, isn't it? Hopping from plan to plan, trying to find the magic key to lasting health and weight loss?

Personally, I got really fed up with it - and I devoted myself to finding a more compassionate, livable path to health and vitality.

This path led me to become a certified Life Coach and Health Coach. My speciality is plant-based nutrition. I started my life coaching practice because I believe that health is contagious - in the best sense of the word. Have you ever noticed that when you redecorate one room in your house, you end up really wanting to do all the other rooms, as well? I see the same thing happen for my clients when they begin to create health in their lives. It may begin in the body, but eventually it catches on everywhere else.

It's important to me to stay light-hearted and down to earth. There is no dieting, suffering, or deprivation allowed on my watch! I encourage knowledge, vision, and compassion as the real key to lasting health.

On a Saturday afternoon what can you be found doing that brings you joy?

I live in New York City with my husband. For some reason, the way the light comes through our windows at 3pm is absolutely glorious. It only lasts for about 15-20 minutes - but it's so beautiful! It makes the whole apartment feel sun-kissed and it really changes my mood - no matter what else had been going beforehand. My favorite thing on a Saturday afternoon is to be in comfy clothes, have a gorgeous cup of tea, relax on the couch with my husband (also gorgeous in my opinion!), and soak in that 20-minutes of truly joyful sunlight.

What comes to mind when you hear the word passion?

To me, passion means that giddy, energizing tickle that lights you up from the inside out. It's a sustained - and sustainable - glow that means you are inspired, motivated, and satisfied.

Free Giveaway!

I have a birthday coming up on Thursday, February 16th - and, to celebrate, I'd like to give all of YOU some presents! Please drop by my site on the 16th and I'll be giving away all 3 of my new Amazon eBooks for free! Learn how to tame your sweet tooth, eat healthy in any situation, and how to unlock the door to lasting health and weight loss. See you on February 16th!

To learn more about Nicole:

Twitter: @YourCoachNicole