My Unplug

What I learned from a day of no computer, phone (except a couple calls to Patrick), texts or virtual connections of any kind.

  1. You all survived fine without me on Facebook and Twitter. You were able to procrastinate without me adding my thoughts.
  2. Despite a deep need to be missed, I did not have messages waiting for me of any urgency or sadness for my day away.
  3. I realized how absolutely funny my two year old is. I knew he was funny, but he served as an amazing distraction and honestly, the kid cracks me up.
  4. I had an intense need to shop and spend money. I didn't, but it meant staying home to stop the urge. We played Monopoly after school and I bought every property I landed on. It satisfied me.
  5. When Lucas napped, instead of feeling panicked for time, I ate lunch and then felt a little lonely. I usually go on the computer and write when he naps. The dishes were done.
  6. I was flooded by ideas, and even though I set a rule to not "work" I scribbled frantic notes for ideas, blog posts and inspiration.
  7. I wished that I had someone else to spend the day with or a beach to sit on.
  8. Having time in my home without an agenda of writing, e-mails, etc, opened up connection to my space. I started picking out new paint colors and planning the upstairs dream (by dream I simply mean, existence of, sauna is on vision board) rooms that our big ole' family needs.
  9. I was able to tackle some serious clutter and the process has continued. This is a great way to clear the mind, perfect compliment to a virtual unplug.
  10. This time was deeply needed and something that I want to practice weekly. Thursdays might become my day along with Friday nights into Saturday. My family needs it, my brain and eyes need it and my spirit will surely thank me.

I would love to hear about your needs for unplugging and plugging into other parts of your life. Leave a comment and share your experience, thoughts and inspire us!