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Mike, my tech-knight, sent me an e-mail telling me to do the updates on my blog. I really didn't want to. Updates frighten me. I ignore them. All requests to update go un-clicked by me. I prefer all remind me later buttons. What's the fear? Of making a big huge mess of something simple. Of change. Of having to move out of my comfort zone.

Only recently have I started to become friends with the computer, thanks to blogging. You can imagine how I felt when my little blog whom I adore started asking me to click updates. I really like things just as they are. I'm happy, comfortable; I don't want to mess up. We have a good thing going this little blog and me. It's blog love for sure. Maybe in the comfort things are getting a little boring and safe.

This is where many of us languish, in the comfortable and safe. Updates, they can be for someone else. I've been looking at my blog and my work and wanting to add an edge of fun and excitement to it. Fun may not take all of you out of your comfort zones, but it asks me to use a part of my brain that typically watches and admires others.

I watch my clients struggle with this avoidance to clicking their personal updates. Green smoothies are a simple one that can challenge what is comfortable and safe. Make it green, yeah right. And then one day, when they know they have enough support should their blender explode and their kids run screaming from the kitchen, they are ready to click update.

With that press of a button what is safe has been challenged. They've made it to the other side and do you know what happens? Those green smoothies start to fall into the comfort zone and the next reminder to update appears. And yes, their coach (me) has a whole lot of clicks for them to move slowly and supported out of the old and into the new exciting world of their updates.

And that little blog of mine, it has been updated because remind me later is so last year's comfort zone.