Being Brave. Now.

I am borrowing a bit from my newsletter for this one. I want to share this story of feeling brave to inspire your own bravery. A friend told me right before I went to the piercing studio that being brave is doing something you are afraid of, or apprehensive of, but doing it anyway.

The essence of the work I do is to help others connect to their authentic self. As I work with clients to help them heal themselves and meet up with their authentic self, I am also doing my own work. Constantly challenging myself, or having my mentors challenge me to be better, greater and happier is how I grow as a person.

One thing I have always quietly envisioned for myself is a pierced nose. For the last 18 years (half my life!!!), every time I would see someone with a pierced nose, I would feel a wave of longing. I would say things to myself like, "If only I was that kind of person who could do that."

What is "that kind of person?" I was so focused on who that kind of person was, I was not able to connect with my authentic self whispering in my ear, "You can be who you are." Knowing it was time to move past fear of judgment and listen to that whisper I walked myself into the piercing studio and turned vision into reality. It didn't even hurt. The needle part was a sharp fast pain, but leaving the voices of fear and doubt behind didn't hurt a bit.

What is holding you back from the whisper of your authentic self? Is there something you have always wanted to do, yet something holds you back? I'm not suggesting you all run out and pierce your nose (though I suspect there may be a few that do)! I'm asking that today you give your whisper a chance to be heard.  

Be Brave!!!

What have you always wanted to do, but fear or doubt held you back?

Leave a comment as your first step to taking a chance on yourself.

The essence of the work I do is to help others connect to their authentic self. As I work with clients to help them heal themselves and meet up with their authentic self, I am also doing my own work. Constantly challenging myself, or having my mentors challenge me to be better, greater and happier is how I grow as a person.

One thing I have always quietly envisioned for myself is to pierce my nose. I am 36 and for the last 18 years, every time I would see someone with a pierced nose, I would feel a wave of longing. I would say things to myself like, "If only I was that kind of person who could do that."

What is "that kind of person?" I was so focused on who that kind of person was, I was not able to connect with my authentic self whispering in my ear, "You can be who you are." Knowing it was time to move past fear of judgment and listen to that whisper I walked myself into the piercing studio and it actually didn't even hurt. The needle part was a sharp fast pain, but leaving the voices of fear and doubt behind didn't hurt a bit.
What is holding you back from the whisper of your authentic self? Is there something you have always wanted to do, yet something holds you back? I'm not suggesting you all run out and pierce your nose (though I suspect there may be a few that do)! I'm asking that today you give your whisper a chance to be heard.
Be Brave!!!
What have you always wanted to do, but fear or doubt held you back? Hit reply to this e-mail and share your whisper. Writing it down is the first step towards action.