Sponsor Tribe Love - jewels branch creative

I am blessed. This is our first sponsor tribe love post and I am so happy that this weekend is filled with two people whom I adore (tomorrow you get to meet the other one).

I am blessed because I set an intention of creating a tribe of women who believed in each other, supported each other and who I would love to go have tea with and sit and talk for hours.

Meet Christie Halmick. She represents all of those things and I am so honored to share her with you and thank her for supporting this space and our tribe here at Mama Space. And business owners, make sure to see her amazing giveaway at the bottom of the post, so, so generous.



My name is Christie Halmick. Like all of you, I am different things to different people. I’m mom to twin girls, a wife, a daughter, a sister, and an aunt. I cherish each of those roles. I’m a book reader, a magazine junkie, a home-grown tomato lover, an apron wearer, a fiction writer (sometimes), and a friend cheerleader.

In my business, Jewels Branch Creative, I help smart, savvy, quirky, creative women entrepreneurs build beautiful online brands that reflect them at their best. My favorite part of this work is getting to know my clients. In the course of translating their visions of their business into the words and images that make their brand, I become my client’s biggest fan.

I fall in love with their quirks, their fears, and their dreams. It’s very satisfying to have my hands deep in the making of a business, to see the transformation from idea to reality, and to see my clients succeed.

In a given week I use a mix of my graphic design, journalism, and marketing skills. As a creator, I thrive because of the range of work I get to do each week: create logos, brainstorm with my clients about content, pick out perfect photos for ebooks, and design websites. I’m so lucky to have my husband, Jamie, as my tech guru. His steadiness balances me when I get wrapped up in projects and forget to eat.

I believe that I’m here to support other women in doing what they do best. My creative business gives me a wonderful venue to do so.

Hannah asked me to answer two questions:

On a Saturday afternoon what can you be found doing that brings you joy?

On a Saturday afternoon I can be found heading to the local Mexican restaurant with my husband and daughters. When my girls were babies we would tuck their car seats onto the booth by us and they would snooze while we got our Mexican fix. As toddlers they ate fists full of rice and beans and made obnoxious messes (which we always helped the waiters clean up). Now they have their favorite dishes and order for themselves. It is our little way of marking time, punctuating the end of the week together.

What comes to mind when you hear the word passion?

When I hear the word passion I think about my grandmothers. I had quiet grandmas. They seemed to me to have deep reserves of will power, joy, and resilience. Their passion came in the form of adoration, through solid hugs, cookies and warm smiles. They were happy with the little things, like the way my hair was curled on Sunday mornings. They focused intently on details of everyday life, observing carefully rocks I’d brought up from the creek like they were the most important rocks in the world. I have no doubt that I was loved, fully, deeply, unconditionally. That was their passion.

Jewels Branch Creative

website: http://jewelsbranch.com

twitter: @jewelsbranch


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For today's giveaway (winner chosen in one week) leave a comment to win your choice of a custom designed:

#1)  website header or

#2) facebook profile image or

#3) Twitter background

I know you are all loving that!!! Leave a comment, say hi and thank you for being with us and helping me welcome Christie.