The Journey

A guest post from Patrick.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I ran in to a quote here the other day:

Make voyages. Attempt them. There is nothing else.  - Tenessee Williams

I got to thinking how I have heard a thousand variations of it, said by wise and influential people. I can relate to them all but it's hard. We are in the “right now” generation, unwilling to wait for anything.  With information at our finger tips and charge cards in our wallets we have moved further away from a process and the journey is now something we read about in quotes from great people.

It goes against the grain to revel in the path that is taken, each step appreciated for the lessons it brings rather than the result of the accumulated miles.  Don’t we deserve to live a fully conscious life?  It’s a wasted one otherwise.  Why wait until the tipping point is a death of a friend or the sickness of a child?  Why overvalue past memories and future goals at the sacrifice of the moments you are actually living right NOW?

The only thing you can actually control is with you in THIS moment.  To be able to focus as much on the process as the goal, enjoying the journey as much as the destination, is as close to the meaning of life as you can come.

What do you think, should the ends be the sole measure of the means taken to get there?  What parts of your life are you simply “checking the box”?


Patrick Marcotti discovered his love for lifting weights in High School. He has worked as a personal trainer and studied food and how it affects our bodies, using himself as a guinea pig for most of it. He is now a Power Lifter who seeks to bring a Holistic approach to the sport and inspire others to find the exercise that makes them feel alive and powerful. He's also my husband.