Magic Soup Pot...This One's For The Ladies

It’s a beautiful blue pot that makes the most magical soups. If I get a feeling or a thought for flavors that should combine the magic soup pot heats up and starts sauteing my veggies. The smells that come from the kitchen are spicy and warm and greet the people who walk through the door with surprise and wonder of what it could be. Rarely do I make the same thing twice in the magic soup pot, new creations turn up all the time. I had my final sessions with the student clients I mentor from IIN. I found myself feeling such joy and peace after talking with them yesterday. I also could feel this soup stirring inside and knew that it was for the ladies. My group was of 7 students who range in ages and circumstances, that eat varied diets and have lives of mother, business woman or student (sometimes all 3).

I asked some of them what the most joyful thing in their life was right now. Their answers beautiful and the energy at which they felt the joy filled me with gratitude for what I do. The last student of the night answered and then asked me what mine was.

Connect: To become joined or united: To establish a rapport or relationship; relate.

I am most joyful for the connections in my life right now. Connections with friends, to being present with my children, the long talks with my husband. The amazing gifts that come from the work I do. The women who I get to interview. The way I get to watch the kids write their daily gratitude on the calendars their grandmother made. To know that as I walk the path of connection each moment that comes before me is as I need it to be. Of connecting through vulnerability and truth. One of my students mentioned that I get very personal when I write. I connect.

As we started out making our soup Lucas decided to wash dishes and I peeled and roasted the butternut squash. We had a lovely time in the kitchen. We  roasted pumpkin for some cookies and talked about pumpkin seeds. This time with him in the otherwise quiet house is connection. Is calming. Is love.

Eventually the soup came together just after he fell asleep and I enjoyed a bowl for my lunch. The magic soup pot did not disappoint. This one’s for the ladies.

Butternut Squash and Black Bean Soup

3 cups diced and roasted butternut squash** olive oil 1 large leek, washed and chopped 2 carrots, diced 2 cloves garlic, chopped 1/2 tsp chili powder 1/2 tsp cumin 1/4 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp sea salt 2 cans black beans 4 cups water

Saute the leek, carrot and garlic in olive oil until just tender. Add spices and stir cooking for about 2 minutes. Add beans and water, bring to a nice simmer and allow to cook for about 40 minutes. Add the roasted squash to the pot and gently combine.

Now here is where it gets fun. Squeeze some fresh lemon in each bowl, top with sliced olives, cilantro and a drizzle of goat’s milk yogurt. Now you’ve got some magic.

**Peel and dice the squash, removing the seeds. Place in a baking dish with olive oil, some sea salt and I used a sprinkle of cinnamon and thyme. Roast at 425 degrees for about 50 minutes or until tender and deep in color.