Eli Turns Three

This morning I wake up next to a three year old. He stretches his arms, peeks open his eyes and gives me the sheepish smile I see every morning. Then he curls up into my body and we snuggle, my face buried in his summer blond hair. "It's someone's birthday today," I tell him. "It's my birthday?" he asks me. "I'm gonna get up and go get it." And he's creeping off to go find his birthday. I'm glad he didn't make it the whole night in his own bed. I'm happy to wake up next to him on his special day. We should all be so happy to wake up and chase our birthdays.

Gluten free waffles, fried pastured eggs and organic raspberries, Eli's perfect breakfast. He ate every last bite and then let me feel his muscles. Chloe tells him he looks a little bit bigger. He stands up to show her it's true.

Later we will make dark chocolate brownie. The kids looked at every picture and then decided on these. Who can blame them. With whipped cream and strawberries, the intense chocolate cravings that both children have inherited from me should be satisfied. For now they play knights and pirates, singing Wonder Pet style. I'm off to make a cup of decaf and enjoy the show!