A woman's thirst. {A 40 day *free* adventure}

40 day adventure 690 FREE

A free 40 day adventure

August 12th - September 20th (my 40th)

A daily scavenger hunt challenge

Follow and connect with all the players of the adventure on Instagram

Gifts (details down below)

A woman's thirst calls in the waves of movement and risk that are creating her next becoming.

A woman's thirst is her desire to fill her cells and spirit with joy and lust and beauty.

A woman's thirst is a visionary's self forgiveness brought forth by each sip.

A woman's thirst brings her to the awakening of adventure, held deep in her blood and bones.

A woman's thirst allows her to water her future self with the love of a wild woman.

The months leading up to turning 39 (#epic39) sent me into a spin inside my Universe.

It was a feeling that came from knowing this was the last time my age would ever start with a number 3. I held a mix of wild excitement, brave confidence and a total crazy fear of letting go that I was not ready to sink into. So I grabbed 39 by both of it's numbers and I let it roll over me and through me and around me.

I decided that I would celebrate with an abandon of riches, risks and failures.

The night of my birthday I asked 6 friends to join me on a scavenger hunt around the city of Providence, RI. It was the first time I had ever stepped into celebrating myself this fully. My heart was blown open by the amount of love and support and crazy adventure that happened that night and the months to follow.

We had 39 challenges to complete.


Find someone on a first date and ask them how it was going. Check. Give away 7 white balloons. Check (One went to the first date couple.) Perform rap. Check. Get a bartender to let you go behind bar and pour a beer. Check. Get someone to buy you a drink. Check. Have someone show you a hidden tattoo. Check. Make public art. Check. Take picture with skull. Check. Kidnap someone and take them on adventure. Nope. (But this one couple showed up at the dance club we went to from the previous restaurant we were at, and we had tried to kidnap them, so, kind of...)

We didn't make it through the 39 challenges, maybe 29 of them.By 2am everything was closing and we were ready to fall onto our pillows.

We didn't need to make it through all of them. We didn't need to finish, to cross them all off, we just needed to do it, be in it. We even needed to fail big at some of the challenges.

It was a freedom and happiness that still breathes inside of me.

39 has been a year of so much unknowing and expansion and a pace that I have barely found myself able to keep up with.

I have been raw and alive. This can happen at any age. For me it was 39. My awakening. My peeling. My layers. My freedom. My truth.

I let go of the need to know the answers to all the big questions I thought my impending 40th year self should know.

And then...

I got thirsty. Thirsty in my skin, on my lips, inside my soul. My dehydrated female body had a thirst that wouldn't be quieted.

At first it was a thirst for water. As my cells started to fill with the power of that water I could feel my soul, my spirit start to open, as though I was the ocean, the waves, the current.

hannah hydrated words

In these waves inside of me I wanted to become movement. To sweat. To cycle my waves, my sweat, with the moon that guides me. I craved the wisdom that was buried inside of me that could only release when I started to know and quench my thirst.

And I danced with failure. It is the attempt, the trying that changes our lives. So during this challenge we will fail sometimes because we made the attempt.

This year I invite you to join a group of women all over the world who seek to push their edges at all ages. Who will hydrate and move and risk failure in the doing.

Here is how our 40 day adventure will work ::

  • A daily email with the day's challenge
  • Challenges will come from me or a special guest (cause I need surprises too)
  • Our instagram hashtag #awomansthirst will hold all of our photos from the adventures
  • Each day go forth on your adventure and take a picture representing the challenge with the hashtag
  • Explore your edges and dance with surprise
  • Learn a whole new layer of who you are
  • Let yourself become fully inside of your thirst
  • Move with a group of women ready for change
  • 40 days leading up to my 40th birthday when I will give away a gift to one of the adventurers
  • One gift, to one amazing woman, will be free enrollment in all of my online programs for a year
  • Maybe other surprises too, you know...

Sample of our adventures ::

  • Mantra bomb your neighborhood/city by leaving little notes on mirrors, sidewalks, the table with your tip, a fence...
  • Create mason jars filled with fruit water (fruit floating in water) and gift them out during the day
  • Hold the gaze of 5 people today, let them be the first to break eye contact
  • Park one mile away from the destination. Walk. Be open to the surprises.
  • Take a photo with someone, who when you see them, lights you up. (Strangers are bonus points)
  • Tell a story (using one of the prompts provided) to someone of your choosing today. Or blog it.
  • Write a word on your body (using prompt provided) and go out into the world with it visible.
  • These are just a quick sample of how we will play, hydrate, move and quite possibly fail...

“There is a community of the spirit.

Join it, and feel the delight

of walking in the noisy street

and being the noise.

Drink all your passion,

and be a disgrace.

Close both eyes

to see with the other eye” ~ Rumi



“What you do is take women who don’t even know how to believe in what they already are, don’t know that they should, and you give them hope, give them the tools, introduce them to a way of looking at themselves, the world, each other – that illuminates ILLUMINATES the path that we failed to notice was beneath our feet all along.”

“Hannah walks her talk, follows the path so that it is illuminated for the souls she guides. She has her finger on the pulse of the universe, and embodies the sacred feminine.”

“Hannah is honest, real, a storyteller, authentic, magical, passionate, gentle and tough all at the same time…”

(First photo credit Mara Glatzel)