The making space cleanse. {For the sensual woman}

 making space bulletinmacrame

  • 10 days of Making Space for the sensual woman inside of you, through connecting with home, body and spirit
  • April 21st - April 30th
  • Soulwork, challenges, prompts that allow you to feel space and sensuality and carve out crazy amounts of beauty
  • All leading up to the New Moon on April 29th where we celebrate the spaces we've created
  • All new daily videos and some yummy recipes

making space jewels and lucas

On April 21st I will be taking my Magic Making Circle through a 10 day making space cleanse that I've designed just for our magical journey. Here is your invitation for 10 days of the sacred and the sensual along with us.

Join us $44.00

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making space kitchen messyclean

How do we get from where we are to where we want to be? We make space for joy in our now and watch the magic unfold.

It seems to happen without noticing. My drawers start to become tight, stuffed. Shoes spill all over my closet and none of my socks have a match. I start having more 'stay in jammies' days and less time feeling myself in the world. I gain weight. I have trouble seeing myself. Clutter finds me in piles of papers and kid stuff everywhere.

Home and body are temple. Our temple is sacred and calls forth our sensual self to nourish.

I remind myself that my life and my process are never linear. I will always be challenged by space and stuff and and a body that shifts under stress or joys. And when I start to feel so disconnected to my home I feel it in every part of myself. I see it in the corners, the piles, the tight fitting jeans and the groceries that don't seem to prepare themselves.

So I take myself back into the process of making space. It is slow. It is guided. And it is sensual.

Last year I tattooed the word home on my foot. I was claiming home inside of myself. I can feel and see when my physical homes, my temples (my house, my body, my spirit) need more from me, when they are calling out for time and nurture and space. This is when I need to be led by my sensual self through time as beauty increases around me.

making space coffeefruit

This is only the beginning of inviting the magic in and dancing inside of rituals that feed our spirits and trusting that we are not only enough, but if enough could spill into overflowing, that is what we are.

Our homes, bodies and spirits are all a part of the journey. Focusing on those, we can then step into the loving task of finding our flow through our sensual nurture.  Making space is seeking out ritual and beauty, knowing that you will fall out of alignment as part of life's dance and developing the skills to ease back when you do. A sensual woman has a sensual flow with space and the sacredness it holds.

making space sensual self

Inviting the sensual woman out to play...

  • One letter each day with a making space prompt :: visioning, photography, clearing and creating beautiful space
  • Small, simple gestures that you can take on at your own pace
  • Look at why you hold onto things or have trouble letting go of stuff, thoughts, habits
  • 10 days of learning how to listen to yourself, through reflection and day dreaming meditations
  • 10 days of setting aside soft space each day for dreaming, watching and simply being in your space
  • 10 days to tease out your sensual woman by taking on simple rituals, space clearing and time that is about you and that temple of yours
  • A online FB group of women going through the 10 days with you

making space buddhaand faith

Space for sensual eating, playing, living and feeling...

  • Never once will you be worried about breaking a rule
  • Daily recipes, straight from my kitchen, very few ingredients, gluten-free and mostly raw
  • 10 days of starting each day with softness and ease for your body
  • 10 days of learning that you are enough as you unearth your sensual woman
  • 10 days of watching your body release the habits that are making you exhausted, frustrated and full of anxiety
  • One letter a day for 10 days with a prompt to make more space and fill your cells with love and healing

 making space bedroom skull

Be improbable, beautiful...

  • Anyone who is ready to celebrate their homes, bodies and spirits through a clearing and creation of sacred space
  • Women who are feeling overwhelmed by the clutter in their home and body and wanting to make more space and create living spaces that are inviting, cozy and beautiful
  • Holistic business owners looking to connect to a deeper understanding of themselves, developing a deeper rhythm of self care and create space for their beautiful work
  • Mamas needing a support system and guidance in creating more rituals in the home and looking to connect to their beautiful sensual side that may feel lost inside of young children
  • Women who are ready to make more space and allow their spirits to feel empowered sensuality

Before you sign up, please know...

  • This is not a food cleanse but each day I share recipes that open up space and joy in my body
  • This is about creating space in your life, opening up, expanding and connecting to your sensual woman
  • This is about creating beautiful sensual spaces in your home and a feeling of space and freedom in your body and spirit
  • This is about you, your process and timing

 making space bagsand flowers


Ready to make some space like these amazing women?

"You can't ask for a more uplifting, motivating and spiritual cleanse! It was better and more inspiring than I ever imagined. You'll wake looking forward to a motivational email. It is all done in baby steps and achievable changes." ~ Sarah Rich


"I would recommend this enlightening, soul enriching experience, to all who believe there is more to this life that so easily becomes a rut. slightly resistant, I allowed and trusted in Hannah, one of life's angels (whom I had never met) and on this journey I evolved in so many positive ways." ~ Toba Dadd


"A favourite quote of mine is from The Buddha – Do not believe just because wise men say so. Do not believe just because it has always been that way. Do not believe just because others may believe so. Examine and experience yourself.

I experienced for myself the changes which occurred within me and my thoughts to myself and my home after the Making Space Cleanse and Hannah’s soft and beautiful wisdom. You will learn how making your bed with linen you love can become a sacred ritual. How de-cluttering your home and releasing those old toys and books can release you from old emotional patterns and ways of being. I learned that by de-cluttering my daughters old toys I had created a space that allowed me to prepare with ease and grace her moving away from home to University.

Yes, the simple act of releasing clutter from our homes can be that powerful. Through this connection, you will find new connections to your home and yourself. Do not believe, just because wise women say so, examine and experience yourself – welcome to the journey.

Love and Blessings to you" ~Debbi Jackson


"I loved Hannah's Making Space Cleanse. In this beautifully-crafted program, Hannah nudges you to make simple, gentle changes that give you room to breathe and feel more present in your daily life. This space-clearing doesn't feel like a chore and won't overwhelm you with more for your to-do lists. By adding simple, nurturing rituals to your routine, Hannah helps you to see the clutter that's occupying your physical space, dragging your energy down, and preventing you from inviting beauty and joy into your life.

I cleared a lot of clutter during the cleanse, and somehow this felt light and easy to accomplish. The more I moved away, the more energy I felt. I also discovered that I'd been storing some personal baggage in a place that felt stuck for me... a wedding album from an unhappy marriage stashed away in my office. I created a sacred space and stored the album there... I'm honoring the journey I've been on, with all its twists and turns, but now I've created the space to move on and allow new and wonderful opportunities into my career and personal life. I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next." ~ Eithne Egan

making space wine and tea

2014 The Making Space Cleanse ©