Magical moments.


I was so attracted to the word magic and exploring new ways to access my own magic. My old ways that had worked for so long were drying up and I was ready for some new practices.

I had been dreaming of an Airstream for a long time. When we first started our group, we talked about feathers as a symbol for magic and as the days passed I found myself collecting them as I’d find them on my path. Just after our Loft retreat, I gifted myself the decision to let go of old work—to get out of a contract—and on the morning of my birthday I sent an email to let it go. Within an hour, I had secured an Airstream for sale on Craigslist. When I went to get it, there were huge feathers all over the ground surrounding it. It was as if the Universe was saying, yes, yes!

Living a magical life to me means following my soul’s path, following the hits, the energy, the vibration inside of me. Trusting myself and my inner wisdom.
Listening for and sensing the signs. Living my life on fire.

Circling has come to mean safety, expanded community, love, sisters, becoming fierce. Be curious, let go and trust process…and magic happens in the space in between.

Tisha Pletcher :: I am a distiller of treasures unseen. I am a scout for lives on fire. And I am a curator of the brave stories.



Magical moments happened for me on our FB page. The support and love that exudes from our page feels magical. Often, I see posts there throughout the day but wait to read  them when I feel like I can really be fully present and soak in all that is going on in each other’s lives. The amount of support and love on a very intimate level is magical to me.

When I wake most days now the feeling of rush and the “have to get this done today” feeling is no longer there. That frenetic energy and go, go, go energy had been there for so very long and now I feel more peaceful and calm. I am trusting that I am flowing and all that needs done will get done.

How I most want to feel when I wake up each day is happening. I want to feel calm. I want to feel loved. I want to feel supported. I want to feel peaceful. I want to trust in the unfolding’s of my life. I want to feel happy.

When I think of this list and how I feel on most days . . . I do feel this way when I wake most days. Sure there are days when my body is tired and some of these feelings are not so evident but they are still lingering. I think the difference is that I listen to my body more and when it needs rest, I rest.

Living a magical life to me is feeling aligned on an energetic level. Getting clear on what I want and how I want to feel in my everyday life. When I do this life flows effortlessly and it feels magical.

What has shifted for me the most is EVERYTHING. Seriously, how I work, how I spend my time, who I spend my time with and how I feel . .. even my parenting style has shifted along with how I feel in relationship.

I realize that being a part of this circle has touched all aspects of my life in a very positive way. Yes, I had to do the work but the energy of the circle and you helped along the way. I am more vulnerable and this circle helped me allow myself to be vulnerable. With that, everything in my life has shifted.

While I still have my boundaries my vulnerability level has shifted a great deal and it is because of our circle and that has changed all aspects of my life. I have healed in ways that I truly do not fully understand and that is okay because I don’t need to always understand I just need to trust. So if I had to narrow it down it is my vulnerability has flipped on and with that everything has shifted to a new level. .. in a very positive way.

Carrie Saba :: I lead you to love. I embrace ease in flow. I am not afraid of the edge.



 The next circle starts March 1st and there are still openings. We have started to gather in our online FB group and just seeing everyone's faces is already magic.

When we step into the deepest level of care for ourselves, meaning we claim it, the dreams we never believed could come true start falling as though stars from the sky.

This is why I am here. To circle us together and show each of you your magic.

This is why circling with women is my heart’s joy song.

When we have permission to see, feel and create our magic these dreams do start falling and we pay it forward and it ripples. Join us.