Community Grace - Connection, shining, opening

Community Grace

Community Grace:: 30 Days of Play to Build Connection Around Your Blog or Online Business
When:: May 1st-30th
Registration:: $49 to join us

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One day I was walking the dog thinking about my weekly letter, Making Space (love letters from me to you), and my heart was overflowing with the gratitude for the responses I get from this gorgeous community each time I send one out. I thought, this is community grace. It feels like a long table under the stars, set with water glasses and wine goblets, bowls flowing with salads and soups and community gathering around in truth and harmony. Being together, sharing a common goal (that beautiful meal and conversation).

Gathering your community is finding those that deeply resonate with and need the words you are sharing with them. A community can start with just one other person or 100 people. Each person in your community is unique and helps you stand in your light.

I want to guide you towards creating your own community grace.

For 30 days we will play::

  • A prompt every other day for 30 days, a day to explore it and a day to talk about it within our private community.
  • New ways to think about using your words to build connection and build your audience.
  • Authentic strategies to start to create the community you want to guide and be a part of.
  • Gentle pushes to move through the fear of your voice.
  • A chance to 'play' with your words and connections through prompts that open you up a bit.
  • Connecting the word joyful with your writing.
  • Find a new way to view virtual connecting.
  • Expand your safe boundaries, they will still be safe!

Who is this for::

  • Women who are using their words to gather community and build tribe.
  • Women who are blogging inside of businesses.
  • Women who are writing and want to find a way to expand their connections and create a little community grace in their lives.

cups on table with quote

Words from women in my community::

"In the clamor and noise of marketing mayhem, Hannah Marcotti writes in a gentle yet fierce voice.  In Community Grace, I turned my thinking around.  Instead of trying to "promote to my target audience,"  I learned that I needed to attract the people I want to hang out with and who want to hang out with me.  This was huge medicine for me as an online entrepreneur.

Hannah taught us how to find and envision the grace that is within, to honor it and express it.  Even better, we came together as a community that was loving and supportive." ~ Loran Hills

"This program came into my life at the exact moment I needed it. I was craving direction in my new business and blog, and Hannah gave us such a gift with helping us discover our voices. I found my way to connect to my tribe through my writing, and at the same time, dive deeper into my true self and embracing my vulnerability. I made life long friends with the other women who joined. This program expanded my business and my world. I am so grateful for my experience." ~Jessica DeFeo

"The catalysts for my biggest a-ha moments during the program were pieces of your story and the stories of our Joy sisters - the reflection of self and possibility, connecting us all as one."

"I’m a writer who believes ARDENTLY in the power of community. I thrive when I’m connected to other writers who can just hold space for my work and share what it’s like to be living the writers life. The community you’ve created, Hannah, is so unique and so special. I think we’re all called to connect with others when we need it most– and I really believe the communities we find are the exact ones we need at that point in our lives."

"I am missing Hannah's daily emails, it had become part of my morning ritual. I would read them on my cell phone before getting out of bed every morning."

"Thank you all so much for your unconditional love, support, laughs and tears. Love being a part of this amazing group."

"I did not have any expectations going in and I learned this: to allow my creative side to gets its groove back, slow my roll and enJOY more of the *now* and gobble up all the inspiring stories of your daily letters and the fantastically beautiful, strong women in this group."

When will we start to play::

  • May 1-30
  • A prompt one day, a group discussion around it the next.
  • Yes, this is play, fun, expanding your vision for the power of your words.

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Questions you might have::

Is this a writing course? No, I won't be critiquing your writing but I will be giving you prompts to explore using your words to gather the strength of community and connection around your writing. I know awesome writing coaches if you need a reference.

Will the prompts help me with blogging? I hope so! We will play and you will explore your words in different ways. My hope is that you'd get some great posts written during May inspired by writing with your community in mind.

In 30 days will I have increased my community? If you connect with just one person in these 30 days the answer to this will be yes!

Will you be telling stories of how you built your community and made such awesome connections? Why of course, thanks for asking, I love to tell stories!

Is this about making more money with my blog? Nope, not during these 30 days. Eventually, yes.

What if I'm not playful in the online world? Then go ahead and sign up, I'll help you with that!