An #operationselfcarelikewhoa Live Event

A few months ago everything changed. The life I was inside of was no longer sustainable. I was burning out on my work, my family, myself. I was claiming no true space in this world to just be me. I am a rock star at being for others, or so I thought.

What I learned from hitting a level of awareness of myself that I never saw coming, was that I wasn't a rock star. I was a woman hanging on for dear life off the edge of a cliff. I wanted to be flying off that cliff, not dangling. And only one thing was missing to go from hanging on to flying... me.

I adopted a personal exploration called #operationselfcarelikewhoa and my entire life in just a few short months changed. Conversations full of truth and depth with myself and my family opened up a new level of being for me.

As I had set up this life around me that I should love and feel joyful in something achingly real was not present. I was taking up no space in this world as just Hannah. Just me.

Only a few months later since living inside of #operationselfcarelikewhoa as though my life depended on it, I found out it really did.

We are not here to simply live on this earth. We are here to experience, feel, evolve, desire, devour, share, dance and open.

I want to live sensually. The choices I make must revolve around feeling good and bringing good.

When we step into the deepest level of care for ourselves, meaning we CLAIM it, the dreams we never believed could come true start falling as though stars from the sky. Magic. Fierce, fierce magic.

Please join me and 9 other women as we Connect Up with ourselves. A day all about you. A day about experiencing each moment, from the candle light to the spa to the quiet moments to the joyful sounds of laughter. Because we are so going to laugh. And maybe cry!!!

Connect Up Live Event::

  • We will meet nice and early in a gorgeous loft in Pawtucket, RI where lights will twinkle and tea will be hot. We will introduce ourselves and set an intention for our time together.
  • After, we will carpool to a place that feels like bliss. Called Urban Sweat, with its multiple saunas and steam rooms, we will spend up to 4 hours simply being in complete surrender to relaxation, detoxification and sweat!
  • At Urban Sweat there will be fresh juices and snacks as needed to nourish you through your time. There may be some poetry and writing, some chatting, alone time, we will flow...
  • After we sweat and shower we'll head back to the loft for dinner. We will prepare our meal together, play music, vision, do some gentle yoga/relaxation while things simmer away and pop some Prosecco and sparkling cider.
  • For those who wish to make this connection time an overnight stay, please email me and we can talk about the loft sleep-over or hotels in the area.
  • Once you register more details will float in with transportation and overnight stay options. Please don't hesitate to ask for more specific details by emailing me at

And March 8th just happens to be International Women's Day!!! I didn't plan that one!

I want you to know you.

I want you to spend time with you.

I want you to know how deeply worth it you are for taking this time.

I want you to know that arrangements can be made for the kids and you can step away.

I want you to know that your magic can't shine through fully if you aren't nurtured.

I want you to know how delicious your essence is.

I want you to know you.

I want you to desire this relationship as though it is your breath.

Sold out!!!