Beautiful Faces. Magical Places.

I am eager for the lists that make their way out on sleepy Friday mornings. Today I am a Target for twinkle lights, hoping that isn't pink eye on the little one, craving Chloe's soup, trying not to push, looking forward to tomorrow and breakfast out kind of mama.

These are my pay-it-forward lists.

I am totally going to try to play with this way of being with my daughter.

I'm shifting how I am spending my energy so that I am in filling up mode rather than depleting. This from Sas says it all.

Abraham is my secret weapon. Like for reals.

Let's all make one shall we? My kids and I are so on it.

 In. Love.

Comfort zones are huge for me, thinking I will brave taking pictures when we go out for breakfast tomorrow.

People often think part of my work is about self-care. I rarely use those words because if you looked at my life you would see very little of this classic 'self-care.' I follow my passion, I stay up late creating and get burned out, I let my eyebrows go to long without plucking and I think about getting a massage all the time. For me it is compassion. For myself and others. Bam.

The message on this gorgeous piece is what I want you all to know, to remind yourselves. A gift to the soul, she needs to know.

Just got this from one of the gorgeous women in Community Grace. I love, love, love. Been playing with scents as I am sensitive but often crave just the lightest truth from the oils.

Chloe and I both have moon calendars in our rooms. I love that so young she is already understanding new moon energy and full moon madness!