Beautiful Faces. Magical Places.

I am eager for the lists that make their way out on sleepy Friday mornings. Today I am a Decaf Coffee (not sure why I feel that must be capitalized), grilled cheese on millet bread for breakfast and they all ate it, no fighting morning -I swear it, holy moly do I need a shower and some yoga kind of mama.

These are my pay-it-forward lists.

Stacy has the most beautiful, helpful, clever opt-in offer on her site. This is how you do it.

Beautiful story from Bridget.

Have you met my newest online crush, Sunni? She wrote about surrender which means I'm loving her even more...

When you let your heart lead your truth, the outpouring of love that follows is amazing. Liz is a friend and I share her story in many ways. This truth is so powerful.

Amazing things going on...

A press release!!! Lori that is just so cooooool!

Wild Sister is out! I wrote about love, superheroes and soup.

Click here to visit Wild Sister

I love this idea for a course. (I think Nathan is offering a two for one deal for you all too!)

 Now I must, must, must go take that shower. And figure out summer camp for the kids. And get garbage bags and bird food. And make my to-do list for tomorrow's work day. Or just go sit in the sun while Lucas rides his bike!