Beautiful Faces. Magical Places.

I am eager for the lists that make their way out on sleepy Friday mornings. Today I am a Om Time Tea in bed, sipped while steaming hot, watching my husband do the morning routine, feeling so much compassion for all that I do and grateful for the man by my side kind of mama. (We should all have more kindness and compassion for ourselves, shouldn't we?)

These are my pay-it-forward lists.

Leaning into my, "I am just love-ness" this poem affirms for me what I know. Thank you once again Karen.

Jennifer reminds us that there is always more to the story, Amen.

The Gratitude Tarot from Teresa, pure joy.

My girl Carmel, always posts the best songs on FB!

Loving this series from Jamie, and Julie's post took my breath away.

My newest book on the side of my bed.

Drinking this tea to help soothe and heal my bladder.

A very special project I'm working on starting with this magenta notebook. Just need to actually put something in it now!

How will you celebrate the powerful full moon tomorrow night?