Cleansing Our Sock Drawers

For me it is socks and underwear together. And make-up. It's the only place the kids won't find it to paint themselves in mascara like war paint. The drawer was so full of stuff, I couldn't find anything. Not to mention nothing fit. Really, I was down to a couple pairs of underwear and socks that didn't match (which in my house is actually considered cool). A few days before beginning the cleanse with my 20 cleansers, I went and bought some new underwear. Underwear that fit. That fit this new body that gave birth to it's third baby, over two years ago.

In my drawer was a maternity bathing suit, bras in every shape and size -none fitting well- breast pads -yes, I know, I no longer nurse- leg warmers, tights that haven't seen the light of day in years and old jewelry. Not the most efficient way to start a morning.

During a food cleanse we open up to cleansing much more than our body. We feel space open to cleanse our minds and our spaces. I asked my beautiful group of female cleansers to think about their space:

How much time and energy does food preparation usually take up for you? Is your kitchen inviting and comfortable to be in? Are you surrounded by clutter or clear space? Is your fridge crammed or nicely stocked with greens, proteins and fruits? Just notice your space today.

When we take a break from foods that weigh us down and eliminate our natural energy, space is created. Space for thinking about ourselves differently. Space to stop and breathe. Space to tackle some clutter.

The best place to start is your sock drawer. Give it a cleanse. Treat yourself to socks without holes and athletic socks that are thin and comfortable. If you are like me, you'll need to go bra shopping now. (Oh, how I am loving this non-nursing body as much as I loved the nursing one!) Don't forget to take that nice big bag of old stuff to the donation center. No need to keep it stacked in your closet...we are cleansing, right?


Any places you could use some extra cleansing? Need some inspiration, check out this amazing mama.