Vlog - Fill Your Bucket Day Retreat

Few things....the sound is off, I am sitting at a strange angle so that my eyes don't seem to be looking down and it is so long, I am hoping you can make it through. The point is, I did it. My real first vlog! With video this time. Like all things, the more we practice, the better we become. So today I share my thoughts on filling your bucket and tell you a bit about the retreat.

Sign up for the Fill Your Bucket Day Retreat  HERE.

Can you imagine where our lives could take us if we did something every day that made us uncomfortable and took us so out of our comfort zone? Life would start to have some magic. Colors would start appearing that before you had never seen.

What could you do today to move out of your comfort zone?


I wrote about the event that helped me discover that I needed to keep my bucket filled on this post.